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Warming up to the subject, flapping his arms aloft like a pair of wings, he recounted, with some dramatic fervor, what he called the "lonely ride of the tried servant of the Government over the rude passes of the mountains," recounting the risks which these faithful men ran; then he referred to the sanctity of the United States mails, reminding the jury and the audience particularly the audience of the chaos which would ensue if these sacred mail-bags were tampered with; "the stricken, tear-stained face of the mother," for instance, who had been waiting for days and weeks for news of her dying son, or "the anxious merchant brought to ruin for want of a remittance which was to tide him over some financial distress," neither of them knowing that at that very moment some highwayman like the prisoner "was fattening off the result of his theft."

But, to be quite honest, I had no pleasure in the adventure, and I was careful not to return until the shades of night had fallen. The gentleman from Chicago, at whose instigation I had gone out to Turkey, had supplied me with a sum of forty pounds, and had undertaken to deposit more to my account at the Ottoman Bank. I called at that establishment daily and found news of no remittance.

What had happened to it, and to the urchin he had left in charge of it? He owed a thousand dollars on its purchase, which he had promised to pay yesterday. Then, too, he had neglected his house account at the University Club, and it was long overdue. That remittance from his father had come just in the nick of time.

Upon exportation to Europe therefore it scarcely affords a profit to the original buyer, and others who employ it as a remittance incur a loss when insurance and other incidental charges are deducted.

"It is quite unnecessary you should enlarge on the peculiar position in which you stand. Remittance men, as we call them here, are not so rare in my experience; and in such cases I act upon a system. I make you a present of a sovereign here it is. Every day you choose to call my clerk will advance you a shilling; on Saturday, since my office is closed on Sunday, he will advance you half-a-crown.

Women in point lace and diamonds, club habitues and "remittance men" those with all the time there is can never be entrusted to carry the message to Gomez. Pin your faith to the busy person. Macaulay's first and only political rebuff came with his defeat the second time he stood for election in Edinburgh.

It is not wise to allow the "deadbeat" the remittance man, the gaunt shepherd with his starving flocks and herds, the free selector on an arid patch, the drink shanty where the rouseabouts and shearers knock down their cheques, the race meeting where high and low, rich and poor, are filled with the gambler's ill luck fill the foreground of the picture of Australian life.

In addition to that he organised an excellent system for the remittance of money from one part of the country to the other, as also a carrier's business two very remarkable facts when one remembers in what a primitive and elementary condition of development the monetary business of Japan was at that period.

I have since had a letter from him with the information that he has recovered a hundred pounds a friendly exertion which shall be duly acknowledged so soon as I receive a remittance, which, however, has not yet come to hand. By the time we had finished the sherry, I was restored, if not to good-humour, at least to a state of passive resignation.

Gates, to be divided among the three expeditions for the purchase of cattle and the progress of the harvest of 1897. As the sum sent would be immediately applied, the active services of the men would be no longer required, and directions went with the remittance to report in person at Constantinople.