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'My landlady is subject to some slight attacks of mental derangement, remarked Bob Sawyer, with a ghastly smile; 'I fear I must give her warning. 'No, don't, said Ben Allen. 'I fear I must, said Bob, with heroic firmness. 'I'll pay her what I owe her, and give her warning to-morrow morning. Poor fellow! how devoutly he wished he could! Mr.

"The ole dooky never onct missed the mail to let me know wot's goin' on in me childhood's home," remarked the humorist plaintively; "and yer's this dod-blasted gov'ment mule of a postmaster keepin' me letters back!" Letters with pretentious and gilded coats of arms, taken from the decorated inner lining of cigar-boxes, were posted to prominent citizens.

Again that basilisk glance seemed to pierce her through. "You speak like an educated girl?" Glibly enough, Tuppence ran through her imaginary career on the lines suggested by Mr. Carter. It seemed to her, as she did so, that the tension of Mrs. Vandemeyer's attitude relaxed. "I see," she remarked at length. "Is there anyone I can write to for a reference?"

He wished to leave with good feelings all around. When Rudi helped him get his trunk from the store room, Gard's forgotten passport fell out and excited the other's curiosity. "I've never seen an American state paper before," he remarked, puffing a cigarette. "What a droll looking affair! So different from ours. Would you mind if I just glanced at it?" "Certainly not."

It has it has unpleasant associations. Let it rest in oblivion." He shrugged his shoulders in despair. "You're the most aggravating woman I know," he remarked irritably. In an instant Nan was her own engaging self once more. It was instinctive with her to try and charm away an atmosphere of disapproval. "Don't say that, Sandy," she replied, making a beseeching little moue.

The only danger lay in the hermit's head being unable to stand the trial, but, as Moses had remarked, there was no fear of that. The watchers were therefore beginning to feel somewhat relieved from the tension of their anxiety, when a huge mass of rock was seen to slip from the face of the cliff and descend with the thunderous roar of an avalanche.

"I should like it very much," he replied, following her with his eyes. Like a true artist he abandoned himself to the new and unexpected impression. "You must have forgotten me, Vera," he remarked after a pause, with an affectionate note in his voice. "No," she said, as he poured out the coffee, "I remember everything.

He imagined that she was readier to accept his advances, and when he had communicated his thoughts to his brother, they were confirmed in almost every respect. Sir Thomas had remarked exactly the same change, and they readily ascribed it to a yielding of the maiden's spirit.

"Say, you fellows are sure going to live swell," one of the clerks remarked, when Happy Jack finally returned. "Where did yuh pick his nibs? Ain't he a little bit new and shiny?" "Aw, he's all right," Happy Jack defended jealously. "He's a real chaff, and he can build the swellest meals yuh ever eat. Patsy can't cook within a mile uh him.

Upon the conclusion of his first speech, which possibly referred to the improvement of the Tombigbee River, he modestly remarked: "Now I am through my speech for this time, Mr. Speaker, and will immediately retire to the cloak-room to receive the congratulations of my friends."