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The declining majority continued their course of backsliding, following those who had relinquished their fellowship with slanderous imputations and pretended censure, as is usual in such cases. Since that time, there are no evidences given by them either of repentance or reformation.

Victor Amadeus of Sardinia was not unaccustomed to the loss of territory in the north, because from immemorial times his house had relinquished picturesque but unfruitful lands beyond the Alps to gain fertile fields below them. It was a hard blow, to be sure, that Savoy, which gave name to his family, and Nice, with its beautiful and commanding site, should have been lost to his crown.

I'm too smart for that." So saying, the colonel seized the boy's fish-pole, and relinquished his grasp of his wrist. "Reckon you won't run away long as I've got this," he said. "Now can you shin that pole?" "Sure," replied Tim. He glanced up at the lofty peak of the flag-staff, then began removing his shoes and stockings.

With a lightened heart, though with a profound sense of the weighty importance of my task, I devoted the whole afternoon to the composition of the draft of this letter; for which great purpose, Agnes relinquished her desk to me. But first I went downstairs to see Mr. Wickfield and Uriah Heep.

In this case the two elder wives of this old man had each relinquished an eye, and no doubt the time was soon approaching when the youngest would also show her conjugal fidelity and love by similar mutilation, unless the old heathen should happen to die shortly and she become espoused to some other, rejoicing in the possession of a full complement of eyes a consummation devoutly to be wished.

"Tell me, how do you come to be here of all impossible places on earth?" His voice was harder than he knew, and a slight shadow passed across her face. "Is it really necessary to explain?" she asked, coldly. He relinquished her bridle at that. "As you please, of course.

In consideration also of the charge of convoys, the ships bringing coals shall all pay 1 pound per cent. on the value of the ship, to be agreed on at the office; and all convoy-money exacted by commanders of ships shall be relinquished, and the office to make good all losses of ships, not goods, that shall be lost by enemies only.

"Let that be, I tell you! Must I speak a hundred times? Why don't you mind at once?" The child slowly relinquished his hold of the tassel, and commenced running his hand up and down the venitian blind. "There! there! Do for gracious sake let them blinds alone. Go 'way from the window this moment, and try and keep your hands off of things. I declare! you are the most trying child I ever saw."

Since the decease of Robert Guiscard, the Normans had relinquished, above sixty years, their hostile designs against the empire of the East.

He did, and he got it. "'Shun!" bawled Colonel Dearman, and those who were "at ease" 'shunned, and those who were already 'shunning took their ease. "'Shun!" again roared the Colonel, and those who were now in that military position relinquished it while those who were not, assumed it in their own good time.