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I do not anticipate a collision. He is only an atrocious bully." "He is more than that. You underestimate him." The girl's face had darkened. Her lips were firmly compressed, and an angry fire burned in her usually soft eyes. Tresler, watching, read the hatred for Jake; read the hatred, and saw that which seemed so out of place in the reliant little face.

"What characterizes," he proceeds, "the discourse on the mount and the other sayings and parables of Jesus, is not the charity that relates to equity and strict justice, to which, with a sound heart and upright spirit, one attains; it is something unknown to flesh and blood and to simple reason, it is a kind of innocent and pure exaltation, freed from rule and superior to law, holily improvident, a stranger to all calculation, to all positive prevision, unreservedly reliant on Him who sees and knows all things, and as a last reward counting on the coming of that kingdom of God, the promise of which cannot fail:

The Spaniards were naturally too indolent to be affected in any way by an incident that concerned themselves so remotely; while the Russians felt themselves simply reliant on their master, and as long as they were with him were careless as to where or how they spent their days.

All the web that the past half-hour had spun about him, all the intolerable sense of an impending crash, lifted suddenly. He saw his way clearly and it was Lillian who had opened his eyes. Still looking at her, he smiled a smile of reliant determination, such as Chilcote had never worn in his life. And with a calm gesture he released his hand.

Up in the press-box a thick-set, grayish man dug his fists in his eyes and could not bear to look at the lonely, reliant figure down yonder on the quiet field. The father found courage to take his hands from his face only when a mighty roar of joy boomed along the Yale side of the amphitheatre, and he saw the ball drop in a long arc behind the goal-posts. The kick had won the game for Yale.

"He's too good natured to be a crook; he needs a guardian rather than a warden." It flashed into the doctor's mind that many a woman had fallen in love with a man merely because he seemed to be in need of some one to take care of him. That is, the self-reliant kind of woman; and Billie certainly was self- reliant.

A president was elected, the grey wolves were being hunted out of the Chicago city council, and a strong rival to his company flourished in his own city. In other days he would have been down upon this rival fighting, planning, working for its destruction. Now he sat at Sue's feet, dreaming and talking to her of the brood that under their care should grow into wonderful reliant men and women.

She knew she liked him, and she knew she disliked him. She knew she despised him, and she knew she feared him. And through it all she looked on with eyes of amusement at the absurd, dog-like devotion he yielded to her strong, reliant, big-hearted, handsome sister. "What's your news, Charlie?" she demanded, as Kate remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

And so they sat there together under the oak where first they had met, hand in hand and heart to heart, and it was at this moment that the self- reliant strength, and more beautiful serenity of Angela's character as compared with her lover's came into visible play.

I feared, oh so much, that the appalling nature of our danger was overcoming him when I saw his hand stretch out, but it was life to me to feel its touch, so strong, so self reliant, so resolute. A brave man's hand can speak for itself, it does not even need a woman's love to hear its music.