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'It has been a great treat to me, this little chat, he said affably, 'but I fear that I must no longer allow purely social enjoyments to interfere with my commercial pursuits. With your permission, I will rejoin my department, where my absence is doubtless already causing comment and possibly dismay. But we shall be meeting at the club shortly, I hope. Good-bye, sir, good-bye.

"I'm glad to hear that," sighed Johnny, as he turned to rejoin Mazie. Johnny did not return to his room that night. After reporting to the police station and letting them know where he might be found if needed, he secured a room in one of Chicago's finest hotels, and pulling down the blinds turned in to sleep until noon.

It would be too tedious to follow our travellers step by step on their long journey, so we will skip over a few days which passed quietly, without any incidents worth recording and rejoin them as they were drawing near to the ancient town of Poitiers. In the meantime their receipts had not been large, and hard times had come to the wandering comedians.

Three hundred of them left him, went off in another direction, and did not rejoin him till the English had crossed the river. Hence perhaps it was that, having left Fort Duquesne at eight o'clock, he spent half the day in marching seven miles, and was more than a mile from the fording-place when the British reached the eastern shore.

And one heard such absurd rumours rumours that the Government didn't mean to send any troops to the Continent that they had been caught napping that the transport arrangements had broken down, and so on. However, it's all right now! I report myself to-night; rejoin my old regiment to-morrow; and well, in three or four days, please God, I shall be in France, and in a week at latest in Belgium."

"Do not anticipate the hour," said he; "let us allow our colleagues time to arrive." But they murmured round Baudin, "No, begin, give the signal, go outside. The Faubourg only waits to see your sashes to rise. You are few in number, but they know that your friends will rejoin you. That is sufficient. Begin." The result proved that this undue haste could only produce a failure.

The defeated Tarrington had by this time retreated out of ear-shot, comforting himself as best he might with the reflection that a picnic which included the presence of Clovis might prove a doubtfully agreeable experience. "I shall certainly go in for a Parliamentary career," said Clovis to himself as he turned complacently to rejoin his aunt.

Or may not one of them be of thy tribe, and the other be one of the guests who attended the Feast of Ripe Corn?" "That is easily answered," replied the young Indian. "If they were friends who for some reason had been left behind, and were now anxious to rejoin those whom they follow, they could have done so long since.

"Quote the Colonel's authority," said the lady, "if Captain Bervie ventures to object." In the meantime, the Captain, on his way to rejoin Charlotte, was met by one of his brother officers, who summoned him officially to an impending debate of the committee charged with the administrative arrangements of the supper-table.

"Well, I will tell you," said Mendouca thickly, helping himself to another caulker of rum he had already swallowed two tumblers of stiff grog since the subject had been broached, in addition to what he had previously taken "I will tell you, because, having made up my mind that you shall never rejoin your own people, the information is not likely to do Lobo any harm.