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"Two thirds of the army in Canada are supplied with beef by American contractors," wrote Prevost, and there were not enough highways to accommodate the herds of cattle which were driven across the border. To protect this source of supply by conquering the region was the task assigned the splendid army of British regulars who had fought under Wellington.

Twice he asks the Governor for orders to charge the third time a reluctant consent is given. The regulars open up, the brave Major with eight of his men pass through the ranks, and the next moment he is mortally wounded. Snelling's company with levelled bayonets clear the field. Prodigies of valor are being performed on the right flank. Spencer is there and his famous Yellow Jackets.

The line of the regulars was formed directly fronting the attack of the Highlanders; it glittered with the appointments of a complete army, and was flanked by cavalry and artillery. But the sight impressed no terror on the assailants. 'Forward, sons of Ivor, cried their Chief, 'or the Camerons will draw the first blood! They rushed on with a tremendous yell. The rest is well known.

"I was, sir. In my capacity as war correspondent for the Planet, I was with Madero's column. But, in the moment of defeat at the hands of the regulars, the miserable greasers turned on me as a gringo. I was compelled to flee for my life. First, however, I cut the bonds of our young friends and their comrades, and under cover of night we escaped."

These units were chosen not because they were braver nor more sacrificial, but because they knew. They were the Foreign Legion of France, two divisions of American Regulars, and the United States Marines." From that day there was no change in the favorable fortunes of war on the western front.

And the spectacle of this citizen soldier, called reluctant, yet not unwilling, from the quiet life of his farm to fight bravely in defence of the soil on which he lived, which his fathers had won by all manner of suffering and peril, and to preserve the independence which was his pride and joy, against great enemies of regulars surely that would have drawn the most earnest sympathy of the eminent idealist.

The cove into which the little river runs was guarded by floating batteries; the surrounding shore was defended by breastworks; and a large body of regulars, militia, and mounted Canadians in blue uniforms moved to and fro, with restless activity, on the hills behind.

In a stout frame of unplaned wood, cased in their oilskins and tightly rolled, stood the colors of the famous regiment; and back of them, well within the second tent where one clerk was just lighting a camp lantern, were perched on rough tables a brace of field desks with the regimental books. The sergeant-major, a veteran of years of service in the regulars, sat at one of them.

My God! only Evans and Bartow and I against the whole North and the Regulars! We are being pushed back you must support. In three minutes the battle will be upon this hill Hunter and Heintzleman's divisions. They're hot and huzzaing they think they've got us fast! They have, by God! if our troops don't come up!" He turned his horse. "But you'll support we count on you "

On the other hand, our present plan of keeping small forces at different points, and sending out small expeditions at need, shows the natives that we don't take them very seriously. We also show them that a hundred of Uncle Sam's regulars is a pretty large force for them to attempt to fight.