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"ALBANY, LETTER X. August 10, 1845. "SIR, Has a reglar suscriber to your emusing paper, I beg leaf to state that I should never have done so, had I supposed that it was your abbit to igspose the mistaries of privit life, and to hinjer the delligit feelings of umble individyouals like myself, who have NO IDEER of being made the subject of newspaper criticism.

"Weel, Mr Mowbray," said Mr Adair, "I'll tell ye what it is: although I certainly haena a' the knowledge o' ye that is, regarding yoursel and your affairs that I maybe hae a richt to insist on haein before giein ye the haun o' my dochter and this for a' the time that ye hae been under my roof yet, as in that time noo, I think, something owre twa year gane by yer conduct has aye been that o' a gentleman, in a' respects sober, discreet, and reglar; most exemplary, I maun say; and, as I am satisfied that ye hae the means o' supportin a wife, in a decent way, no to say that there may be muckle owre either, I really think I can hae nae reasonable objections to gie ye Rosy after a'."

Jocelyn in a way but he's no sort of a man to worry about he just goes reglar to the farmin' an' that's all a decent creature always, an' steady as his own oxen what pulls the plough. An' when he's gone, if go he must, I'll look arter you an' Mr. Robin, an' please God, I'll dance your babies on my old knees " Here she broke off and turned her head away. Innocent ran to her, surprised.

The foar fust women I adoared lafft at me, and left me for something more lively. With the rest I have edopted a diffrent game, and with tolerable suxess, I can tell you. But this is eggatism, which I aboar. Well, the long and the short of it is, that Munseer Ferdinand Hyppolite Xavier Stanislas, Shevalier de L'Orge, was reglar cut out by Munseer Algernon Percy Deuceace, Exquire.

"But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions." "Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out." "Is dat so?" "You read about them once you'll see.

"I suppose you're glad those days are over." "Not me. I was a heap better off den as I is now. Allus had sumpun to eat an a place to stay. No sich thing as gittin on a black list. Mighty hard on a pusson old as me not to git no rations an not have no reglar job." "How old are you?" "I doun know, zackly.

The latter became seized with shivers as he supplied the information that it might be a quarter of an hour or twenty minutes. "But what's time to me, sir? If I had reglar meals, I should carry a clock in my inside. I got the rheumatics instead." "Way there!" Vernon cried, and took the stile at a vault. "That's what gentlemen can do, who sleeps in their beds warm," moaned the tramp.

I'll make you happy, zee if I don't. You shall do what you like; spend what you like; and 'ave it all your own way. I'll make you a zettlement. I'll do everything reglar. Look year!" and the old man fell down on his knees and leered at her like a satyr. Rebecca started back a picture of consternation.

What if we make inquiries at the pier? It it may be all a mistake. They stopped for this purpose at Amblemere. 'Ay, Miss Millikin, mum, he cooms ahn boord reglar, does that wee dug, said the old boatman, 'and a' makes himsel' rare an' frien'ly, a' do they coddle him oop fine, amang 'em.

"But, Huck, dese kings o' ourn is reglar rapscallions; dat's jist what dey is; dey's reglar rapscallions." "Well, that's what I'm a-saying; all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out." "Is dat so?" "You read about them once you'll see.