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I shouldn't know how to get on without heaps of things that I could not have, if I married a poor man. Lippa's fingers are doing great damage to the ribbons which are attached to her gown, and till they are reduced to a crumpled mess, she continues to take the beauty out of them, by folding and refolding them.

It was both a warning and a challenge, grim with its suggestiveness, eloquent with careless defiance. That was her first thought. "The fool he's making fun of you!" said Durkin, with a second passionate oath. Frank was slowly refolding the papers, and replacing them in the envelope. "I don't believe that's it," she said, meditatively. "I believe he is trying me making this a test!"

Tears of disappointment filled her eyes and for a moment she bit her lip with uncontrolled vexation; then refolding the letter, she put it in a drawer of her desk, and said sorrowfully: "I certainly had no right to expect anything more polite from him. He snubs even his popular contributors, and of course he would not be particularly courteous to an unknown scribbler.

She would not watch her sister's face, as she did not wish to have to reply to any outward signs of disapproval. "Give it me back," she said, when she heard by the refolding of the paper that the perusal was finished. "Of course I shall give it you back, dear." "Yes; thanks. I did not mean to doubt you." "And what will you do, Nora?" "Answer it of course."

The old man was interrupted, I suppose. But in the few lines of writing Norman says," here Hurd took a scrap of paper a copy out of his book and read, "'If the name of Krill gets into the papers there will be great trouble. Keep it from the public, I can tell you where to find the reasons for this as I have written' and then," said Hurd, refolding the paper, "the writing ends.

The invalid had shaken his head discontentedly at sight of the tiny piece, and, as the conjurer was refolding it over his knee, loosed from his shoulders the chlamys he himself wore, saying gravely: "Take this cloak, for what Lysander promises he does not perform by halves."

Near him is an apprentice, apprenticed to the same high calling of draper's assistant, a ruddy, red-haired lad in a very short tailless black coat and a very high collar, who is deliberately unfolding and refolding some patterns of cretonne. By twenty-one he too may hope to be a full-blown assistant, even as Mr. Hoopdriver.

To the end of his days he had the white cloth removed before dessert, and the fruits and the one decanter set out upon polished mahogany. I glanced at him while helping myself to strawberries and cream. He sat nervously folding and refolding the napkin on his knee. By-and-by he spoke, but without looking at me. "I lost my temper this afternoon, and I beg your pardon, my boy."

How fortunate that I helped myself to these precious keepsakes when he was off his guard; even he did not dream that I had this," and she shook the parchment until it rattled noisily through the room; then refolding it, she put it carelessly aside, and turned once more to what remained to be examined.

I have done my duty, my conscience is calm and contented, and I sit wearily on the stormy shore of time, waiting for the tide that will drift into eternity the desolate, proud soul of Tears rolled over the governess' cheeks, and, refolding the letter, she said, sorrowfully, "My poor, heart-broken Vashti!