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'Got kind o' 'tached to 'em, he said, looking down at them and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Then we had a good laugh. 'You can put on the other suit, I suggested, 'and when we get to the city we'll have these fixed. 'Leetle sorry, though, said he, 'cuz that other suit don' look reel grand. This here one has been purty purty scrumptious in its day if I do say it.

We were a mile from shore; a little steam-tug put out from the land; she was an object of thrilling interest; she would climb to the summit of a billow, reel drunkenly there a moment, dim and gray in the driving storm of spindrift, then make a plunge like a diver and remain out of sight until one had given her up, then up she would dart again, on a steep slant toward the sky, shedding Niagaras of water from her forecastle and this she kept up, all the way out to us.

After the girl had inspected and admired these household gods, she was taken to the window, in order to see the view, now lit by a brilliant full moon. Mavis looked over a desert of waste land and brickfield to a hideous, forbidding-looking structure in the distance. "Ain't it beautiful?" asked Miss Nippett. "Y yes," assented Mavis. "Almost as good as reel country." "Almost."

In less than fifteen minutes by the watch, we had a rod cut, salmon reel attached and rings put on with the invaluable plaster, and all ready for underhand casting.

It was unfortunate that Forester retired from company in such abrupt displeasure at Flora Campbell's question, for had he borne the idea of a Scotch reel more like a philosopher, he would have heard of something interesting relative to the intended ball, if any thing relative to a ball could be interesting to him.

"Why, aren't you going to take any more views of the elephants?" "Yes, but I've got enough of a view from above. Besides, I've got to put in a fresh reel of film, and I might as well get out of their sight to do it. Maybe that will quiet them, and the hunters can turn them back toward the stockade. If they do, I have another plan." "What is it?" his chum wanted to know.

But, in the other two shacks, there were still signs of flames. "Take up!" cried the chief, in his most professional voice. The boys began to reel back the hose. "Lakeville wins!" called the umpire of the contest. "Hurrah! Three cheers for Lakeville!" yelled the crowd, and Bert and his lads blushed with pleasure, for they had won the silver trumpet.

But I'll take a bet of twenty dollars, not one in a hundred will define that tarm right off the reel, without stopping. It fairly stumpt me, and I ain't easily brought to a hack about common things. I could a told her what natur was circumbendibusly, and no mistake, though that takes time.

If he were to demand of her that she should live a year, live the coming summer with him, but that then she should die she would obey him. Her dishevelled hair fell over her shoulders. Memories came to her which almost made her reel. ... Ah, Heaven; why had all this come so late, so late?

President;" he fell to the earth with a sort of reel, "Like shooting stars he fell to rise no more!" His body became a capital footstool for the luxurious Pepper.