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Mears and the Professor were lost, and their great secret with them. "Capt. Redingson asked how this fire could have occurred. "The Doctor thought some of the Professor's material must have ignited in some way. 'The truth is, he said, 'the ship was wrapt in flames in an instant. I saw this sailor jump into the life-boat, and I followed him. We are the only ones of all on board that are saved.

Mears was thought to be the severest blow they had received. "Dr. Blackman left Jackson and Capt. Redingson to go to Richmond, but which way he went they never knew. Capt. Redingson took passage for Nassau, there to run the blockade, and was never heard of again by Jackson. I hope he is alive, as I think he was at heart a good man, full of noble impulses.

"Jacob Thomlinson here spoke up, saying: 'You are quite right, Doctor; we cannot look for help from any of those people, and the sooner we light up their cities with a grand and bright light the better! "'Very well, gentlemen; I was merely wishing to understand the matter, said Capt. Redingson. "Dr. Blackman by this time was walking to and fro across the room somewhat excitedly.

I am what is called a traitor to the United States Government. I am in favor of the whole country becoming one universal wreck before I would submit to go back into the Union. But, sir, I want you to remember, if you should ever think of Capt. Redingson in the future, that his mother was a Christian woman, and taught her son to have some of the instincts of humanity.

Redingson promptly indicated their acceptance. "In good season they made their toilets as if they were to meet the Queen of England or the Prince of Wales, and set out for the Palace Hotel. On arriving at the hotel and notifying Mr. Thomlinson of their presence, they were ushered into his apartments, which they found were most elaborate and elegant. "On entering they were presented to Mr.

Thomlinson made inquiry as to the amount that would be required. The estimates were made at once by Dr. Blackman for his part, and by Prof. McCullough for the 'fireworks, as Redingson now called them. The two estimates footed up $109,000. Thomlinson thought that would be very extravagant. The Professor inquired if he knew the material to be used. Thomlinson admitted that he did not.

"Jackson saw that Redingson was regarding Prof. McCullough, with a look of intense curiosity. Nothing was said for some moments. The silence was finally broken by Mr.

He also gave her permission to write to Mrs. Lawton on this subject, provided she did not use his name in connection with this promise. He then gave her a letter of safe conduct through his lines and detailed Capt. Redingson to go with her to our lines. Having accomplished the object for which she had gone South, and reported fully and truthfully to Mr.

Thomlinson and Captain Redingson discussed the selling of bonds, etc.; Thomlinson stating that the intention of the authorities at Richmond was to have given him the bonds, but that they were not prepared in time, as he had to leave at a certain date to escape the blockade, on account of his previous relations with the United States Government.

Redingson learned to like Jackson also, and made him a confidant, promising to introduce him to many friends after they should arrive, among whom he included Jacob Thomlinson, Carey, and many others.