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Not the dumbness which is practising the old device of Reculer pour mieux sauter, but a genuine silence of humility before the mysteries of nature. We sigh in vain for a glimpse of these exceptional souls. They resist our best climbing qualifications and are as inaccessible as the mists above our highest tops.

His wit flies out on clear-cut, swallow-like wings; in speaking of Paul Alexis' book "Le Besoin d'aimer," he said: "Vous avez trouvé un titre assez laid pour faire reculer les divines étoiles." I know not what instrument to compare with his verse. I suppose I should say a flute; but it seems to me more like a marvellously toned piano.

It was not a question of "reculer pour mieux sauter"; the Turks knew that if they were driven out of a position they left it for good; wherefore they fought with the courage of despair. They had to go, however, for nothing human could stand against the inexorable advance of our men.

Adela might return mysteriously rejuvenated and ready to plunge once more into the fray, braving opinion. It might be a case of reculer pour mieux sauter. On the other hand, it might be a flight from danger. Miss Van Tuyn was practically certain that Adela had fallen in love with Alick Craven.

'Les belles out le goût des héros. Le sabreur Effroyable, trainant après lui tant d'horreur Qu'il ferait reculer jusqu'

She had not frequented the orphanage in her off-time for nothing; and she was perfectly aware of the anxiety with which the Catholic friends of Bannisdale must needs view the re-entry of Miss Fountain. Sister Rosa, who spoke French readily, wondered whether it had not been after all "reculer pour mieux sauter."

She sat back from her drawing and looked at Ursula, from under her finely-curved lashes. 'Why did I come back, Ursula? she repeated. 'I have asked myself a thousand times. 'And don't you know? 'Yes, I think I do. I think my coming back home was just RECULER POUR MIEUX SAUTER. And she looked with a long, slow look of knowledge at Ursula.

First of all he proudly showed me his soldier's book three campaigns in Algeria. A crowd of smelly women pressed round us luckily we had finished our meal while with the help of a few knives and plates he explained exactly what a strategical movement was, and demonstrated to the satisfaction of everybody except ourselves that the valley we were in was obviously the place "pour reculer le mieux."