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While Butler, Fremont, and Hunter were thus befriending the poor runaways, Buell and Hooker were allowing slave-owners to reclaim fugitives from within their lines; Halleck was ordering that no fugitive slave should be admitted within his lines or camp, and that those already there should be put out; and McClellan was promising to crush "with an iron hand" any attempt at slave insurrection.

Under this new arrangement Dan blossomed into a model of righteousness, but Nance's lapses from grace were still frequent. The occasional glimpses she was getting of a code of manners and morals so different from those employed by her stepmother, were not of themselves sufficient to reclaim her.

"Yes," he was saying, A PROPOS of his motherless little girl whom he often brought to Redford for change of air, leaving her to the care of the sisters until convenient to him to reclaim her "yes, it will mean much to my child in after life to have had the refining influences of this house at the most impressionable age."

"She may have tried, but cannot have succeeded, for the count has been absent from Paris for more than a month and is not expected to return until the end of the week." "How do you know that?" "I wished to see the count my father, to speak with him." "You?" "Yes, I. Do you think that I shall not reclaim my own? Do you imagine that I shall not raise my voice.

The name Military Policy is given to them; for they belong exclusively neither to diplomacy nor to strategy, but are still of the highest importance in the plans both of a statesman and a general. Offensive Wars to Reclaim Rights. When a state has claims upon another, it may not always be best to enforce them by arms. The public interest must be consulted before action.

Menteith, when the latter had spoken of great changes impending over quiet Cairnforth: how a steamer was to begin plying up and down the loch how there were continual applications for land to be feued and how all these improvements would of necessity require the owner of the soil to take many a step unknown to and undreamed of by his forefathers to make roads, reclaim hill and moorland, build new farms, churches, and school-houses.

We left Jonas and Pomona to their wild delight, and I accompanied the equally happy lady to the opera house, where I took occasion to reclaim the wraps which we had left behind in our sudden flight. When the police of Paris were told to give up their search for an absconding nurse accompanied by a child, and to look for one without such encumbrance, they found her.

"Were your great predecessor yet on earth, He'd be the first to speak your page's worth, There all the foibles of the fair you trace; There do you shew your sex's truest grace; There are the various wiles of man display'd, In gentle warnings to the cred'lous maid; Politely pictur'd, wrote with strength and ease, And while the wand'rer you reclaim, you please.... Women, the heart of women best can reach; While men from maxims you from practice teach."

Petticoated porters thrust metal numbers at us so that we may be able to recognise them again and reclaim our luggage safely. The perpetual chatter, the long low cries, the beating shout of men staggering under heavy loads make up a resounding din. Clamped boxes, camp-chairs, enamel basins, dispatch-boxes, helmet-cases are carried swinging up the gangway.

She is not of that birth that the state will take the trouble, very actively, to interfere: she may reach France in safety; ay, a thousand times more safely than if she fled with you, a hidalgo and a man of rank, whom the state would have an interest to reclaim, and to whom the Inquisition, hating the nobles, would impute the crime of sacrilege. It is an excellent thought!