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With all his swagger and bombast, no man ever gave a more futile account of human things than he has done of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The sketch of the Pre-Revolution period is slight, and marked by a somewhat shallow reference to Rousseau. The last lecture on the recent German writers is a mere rechauffe of the Essays.

Out of his little rechauffe of the week's news she probably extracted enough information to enable her to display that well-bred interest, that vague and superficial acquaintance with the subject which will pass muster in society, and which probably explains alike the very vapid talk and the wildly false accusations which form the staple of ordinary conversation. Rose was even more perplexing.

No dragoon has published a rhyme since Lovelace, I believe. I've got as far as the first line: Ah, Cecil! hide those eyes of blue." "I think I've heard something very like that before," Fanny answered, laughing. "She deserves a prettier compliment than a réchauffé." "Have you heard it before? Well, I shouldn't wonder.

"My dear Conrad, Lady Ellangowan knows my rose-point by heart. She always compliments me about it an artful way of letting me know often she has seen it. 'Oh there is that rose-point of yours, dear Mrs. Winstanley; it is too lovely. I know her! No, Conrad; I will not go to the Ellangowans in a dress made last year; or in any réchauffé of velvet and lace.

The lad had a kind, loving heart, and was tender to all helpless appealing things, and more especially to little children. He stood watching the pretty glowing scene for a few minutes, and then went in to his solitary réchauffé dinner. Coming out again half an hour or so later, he found everything changed.

"He writes on the principle, of course, that in one's dotage we are privileged to return to the triflings of our infancy, and that Downing Street cannot be better employed in these days than as a chapel of ease to Eton." "Yet, even there, he is but a translator," said Sir P . "'The tenth transmitter of an idler's line, It is merely a rechauffé of the old Italian.

If we had space, we should like to set forth that he is by no means our ideal story-teller this honorable genius possessing, attributively, a rarer skill than the finest required for producing an artful réchauffé of the actual. But even for better romancers we must wait for a better world.

I have believed that whatever value may attach to any man's opinions consists in the fact that they are his opinions, and not a rechauffé of the thoughts of others, and therefore I have not even referred to, or quoted from, any other writer, preferring to write only what I have myself seen and thought.

If Julia wished for revenge and when is not revenge sweet to a jilted woman? she had it now. I was as crestfallen, as amazed, almost as miserable, as she had been. Yet I had no one to blame, as she had. How could I blame her for preferring Captain Carey's love to my réchauffé affections? "Julia," I said, after a long silence, and speaking as calmly as I could, "do you love Captain Carey?"

I could not have remained content with tennis-playing and skating, or réchauffé school music, French and German, or fancy work, however artistic not even with teaching once a week in the Rector's Sunday-school for my object in life. But after the way in which things have turned out, there is no need to discuss former views.