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The world has already been told how the English nation showed their respect for the President of the College of Physicians, and in him the profession he so dearly loved was honoured. What was the reason of this demonstration of respect? Because individuals seem to have felt a sense of irreparable loss.

"You have no reason to regard me as your creditor," interrupted the praetor, "you do not even owe me thanks. I only made your acquaintance after I had rescued you, and I opposed the mob, not for the sake of any particular man, but for that of law and order." "You were benevolent enough to protect us," cried Ben Jochai, "so do not be so stern as to disdain our gratitude."

No Reader can be appointed to any Church in the Christian Science world without her express approval. She can summarily expel from his or her place any Reader, at home or abroad, by a mere letter of dismissal, over her signature, and without furnishing any reason for it, to either the congregation or the Reader.

But Letty found herself very uncomfortable, because there now was that to be known of her, the knowledge of which would highly displease her aunt for which very reason, if for no other, ought she not to tell her all?

It also gave colour to the idea, that he might be equally the victim of deception about the other. It was in the hope of being able to hold him guiltless I had so closely questioned Marian: for instinct had already whispered me that in his hands, more than in aught else, rested my hope or my ruin. For that reason had I been so eager to ascertain his inclinings.

The whole household, in proportion as it spreads about the child a brooding and indulgent atmosphere, nurses wilfulness and illusion. For this reason the noblest and happiest children are those brought up, as in Greece or England, under simple general conventions by persons trained and hired for the purpose.

"I suppose so," he answered, "and for that reason I wish to keep your vessel safe and within your reach; for to get away at all you may have to depart suddenly. But you will not do wisely to make the Prince suspect that such is your intention.

It lay nearer to the wooded mountainside, so that the farm-buildings could look down a little haughtily on those of the Sperber place although there was really no reason for it, since the latter was not at all inferior either in extent or in great straw-thatched barns and stables or the stately dwelling-house.

Another reason for getting rid of the fearful is that fear is the opposite of faith, and that therefore, where it is uppermost, the door by which God's power can enter to strengthen is closed. Not that faith must be free of all admixture of fear, but that it must subdue fear, if a man is to be God's warrior, fighting in His strength.

For some strange reason all the insanity had gone out of his bearing. "Not in this state," answered Murtha. New pity for this poor old wastrel took hold upon him. "What were you going to do?" "I was going to retire, captain," said Doc faintly. "My daughter's husband he owned a farm up in Cayuga County well, he died and I was planning to go up there and live with her."