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Besides the reading of this charming book, and the daily routine of occupations, nothing of particular note happened to me during this voyage except once, when on rising one night, after my three hours' nap, while it was yet dark, I was amazed and a little alarmed to find myself floating in what appeared to be a sea of blue fire!

They went every day to balls, plays, and public walks, and always made game of their youngest sister for spending her time in reading, or other useful employments.

Then questions were asked, and he tried to answer some, and frankly said he could not answer others. But these questions stimulated his mind and led to thought and wider reading.

Her fondness for reading Her difficulty to get enough books while abroad Lady Bute keeps her supplied Lady Mary's catholic taste in literature Samuel Richardson The vogue of Clarissa Harlowe Lady Mary tells a story of the Richardson type Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews Tom Jones Her high opinion of Fielding and Steele Tobias Smollett Peregrins Pickle Lady Vare's Memoirs of a Lady of Quality Sarah Fielding Minor writers Lord Orrery's Remarks on Swift Bolingbroke's works Addison and Pope Dr.

One day, about five months afterwards, I went with her father to see the grave of Lizzy. As we went into the grave-yard, we walked slowly along, reading the names of persons buried there, while the dog followed us. We soon missed the dog, supposing he had wandered into some other part of the cemetery.

Of all sciences, political economy is contained in the fewest books, and yet is the most difficult to master; because all its higher branches require earnestness of reflection, proportioned to the scantiness of reading. Mrs. Marsett's elementary work, together with some conversational enlargement on the several topics she treats of, will be enough for our present purpose.

Indeed, I believe he promotes it, chiefly, because it was one of the choice recreations in those days of yore, when ladies and gentlemen were not much in the habit of reading.

They become daily more disgusting to me; in some degree, perhaps, owing to my state of health, which is much as when I left New-York. The least fatigue brings a slight return of fever. Your exercise, your medicine, and your reading are three subjects upon which you have hitherto dwelt only in prospect. They must be all, in some degree, within your power.

I shall not prove this further, but express my joy in heartily believing that we shall resume our intercourse with every Christian friend; that remembering all the past, and reading it for the first time aright, because reading in the full light of revealed truth, we shall know and love as we never knew and loved here; and shall sit down at that glorious intellectual, moral, and social feast, not with ideal persons and strangers, but with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with Peter, Paul, and John, and with every saint of God!

So I turned away from the ocean which never rests, and went among the lands, where the trees, the houses, and the mountains sit always in one place and do not move. I journeyed far, and came to learn many things, even to the way of reading and writing from books.