United States or Grenada ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In commercial phrase, he "stands to be shot at" while his own deposit money, on which he receives one per cent., supplies the funds for the bank to lend Mike and Thady, at ten or twenty per cent., for there is no pretence made of doing very small bills at anything approaching ordinary rates.

Greater efficiency and output makes possible higher wages in general and better conditions of employment and labor." That the scientific management doctrine of wages consists of nothing more than a method of wage payment is clearly established by its failure to substantiate in practice its claims of furnishing a scientific and equitable method of fixing wage rates.

In these ways £40,000,000 worth of cereals were got together for consumption. The War Corn Association operated with a capital of £2,500,000, to which the States subscribed over one million, and the big cities one million, and the great industrial firms £450,000. This corn was paid for at the highest market rates, the owners being compelled by law to declare how much they possessed.

A monetary union could incorporate "several currencies, fully and permanently convertible into one another at irrevocably fixed exchange rates". This would be like having a single currency with various denominations, each printed by another member of the Union. This applies to all the territory of the single currency.

To this tale of wreckage in the Straits, friends of the Hudson Bay route answer as follows: First, the fur-traders' vessels were little discarded admiralty vessels of small tonnage and rickety construction. Give us ice jammers such as the Russians use on the Baltic, built narrow and high of oak, not steel, to ride and crush down through the ice; and we can take care of high insurance rates.

Historians have explained for us that the primary reason of the very sudden rise to famine rates of the prices of provisions was the persistent rumour that the effective bulk of the Channel Fleet had been captured or destroyed on its way northward from Spanish waters.

As we have already seen, the female organism is the more stable, biologically, and hence females, while having less physical strength, have more vitality than males. Conjugal condition is also a factor which affects death rate. The differences between the death rates of the married and unmarried have long been noted.

The son is never recalled to his books. There is no parliament, no municipality, no vestry. There are neither rates nor taxes nor rents to be paid. The government is the softest despotism under which subjects were ever allowed to do almost just as they please. That the captain has a power is known, but hardly felt.

Even as a bachelor, he must, at London west end rates, make over a thousand a year before he can afford even to insure his life. Above all, the income which provides for these outgoings stops the moment he himself stops working.

The company owning the cable was chartered by the waning empire of Louis Napoleon. In 1875 a new cable was stretched between the United States and Great Britain. It was called the United States Direct Cable, and at first operated in opposition to the original one. The rates for cable messages were greatly reduced in consequence.