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"Yes?" said Bryce inquiringly. "One moment." He finished his task calmly, put the corks in the bottles, labelled one, restored the other to a shelf, and turned round. Not a man to be easily startled not easily turned from a purpose, this, thought Ransford as he glanced at Bryce's eyes, which had a trick of fastening their gaze on people with an odd, disconcerting persistency.

But of him and his news she thought little what occupied her mind was the possible connection between the stranger who had come so suddenly and disappeared so suddenly and for ever! and Mark Ransford. Was it possible really possible that there had been some meeting between them in or about the Cathedral precincts that morning?

Miss Bewery does not feel any inclination to you now, nor at any time to be! She's told you so three times. And you should take her answer and behave yourself accordingly!" Bryce favoured his senior with a searching look. "How does Miss Bewery know that she mayn't be inclined to in the future?" he asked. "She may come to regard me with favour." "No, she won't!" declared Ransford.

"And," continued Ransford, "Campany further remarked, as a matter for humorous comment, that Bryce was also spending much time looking round our old tombs. Now you made this discovery near an old tomb, I understand?" "Close by one yes," assented the inspector. "Then let me draw your attention to one or two strange facts which are undoubted facts," continued Ransford.

"What's it look like?" he answered, almost appealingly. "I put it to you, now! what does it look like? Here's this man been poisoned without a doubt I'm certain of it. And there were those rumours it's idle to deny that they centred in Ransford. And this morning Ransford had the chance!"

"Whose handwriting's that?" demanded Mitchington. Bryce looked closer, and started. "Ransford's!" he muttered. "Ransford of course!" "That box was in Collishaw's waistcoat pocket," said Mitchington. "There are pills inside it, now. See!" He took off the lid of the box and revealed four sugar-coated pills. "It wouldn't hold more than six, this," he observed.

She had bestowed her august consent, and lo, the earth was opened, and its wealth poured out at the very feet of those who had so long and so vainly sought it. The new owner of the Padre's farm had quite recovered from the effects of her disastrous journey. Youth and a sound constitution, and the overwhelming ministrations of Mrs. Ransford had done all that was needed to restore her.

In the midst of the murmur of sensation which ran round the court, Bryce indulged himself with a covert look at Ransford who was sitting opposite to him, beyond the table in the centre of the room. He saw at once that Ransford, however strenuously he might be fighting to keep his face under control, was most certainly agitated by the Coroner's announcement.

Mary Bewery was our governess at Braden Medworth. She came to us when she was nineteen she was married four years later. She was a girl who had no friends or relatives she had been educated at a school in the North I engaged her from that school, where, I understood, she had lived since infancy. Now then, as to Brake and Ransford.

Now, you can't say that as regards your ward. That's a fact, Dr. Ransford." Ransford, in years gone by, had practised himself in the art of restraining his temper naturally a somewhat quick one. And he made a strong effort in that direction now, recognizing that there was something behind his assistant's last remark, and that Bryce meant him to know it was there.