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And the slight this put on Mary's sterling moral qualities, on all but her physical charms, left the worst taste of any in the mouth. Then, not content with trying to steal her love, Purdy had also sought to poison her mind against him. How that rankled! For until now he had hugged the belief that Purdy's opinion of him was coloured by affection and respect, by the tradition of years.

John, except the pride of the mother as a Vernon. Jealousies between the two sons began early and rankled deep; nor was there peace at Laughton till the younger had carried away from its rental the lands of Vernon Grange; and the elder remained just where his predecessors stood in point of possessions, sole lord of Laughton sole.

They had not yet become canker-spots on the surface, but they rankled and festered beneath that fair field of physical and intellectual grandeur. The young attorney was dressed in the extreme of fashion, yet in good taste. Though he wore all the fashion demanded, he did not court ridicule by overstepping its flickering lines.

When John had been killed, Harietta had been extremely perturbed. "Now Stepan will be able to marry that odious bit of bread and butter, and he is sure to do it after the year!" This thought rankled with her and embittered everything. Nothing pleased her. She grew more than ever rebellious at the dullness she had to live in.

Abe Tutts's paper upon Wagnerian music at the Culture Club were slights that rankled. She was suspiciously close at hand when the ladies appeared in the office of the Terriberry House with their culinary successes; also she was wearing the red foulard which never went out of the closet except to funerals and important functions.

Proud and revengeful by nature, this affront seems to have rankled dreadfully in the mind of Gaspar; although, in accordance with that pride, he endeavoured to conceal his feelings under a show of indifference.

Undeserving as he was, and little as he thought of all these agonies that it cost me agonies which should have made him wholly and gratefully mine to his life's end I loved him. I bore with his cousin's praising him to my face, and with her pretending to think that it pleased me, but full well knowing that it rankled in my breast; for his sake.

"But he did!" replied Harry in a voice that showed the incident still rankled in his mind "and right in the club, before everybody." "And the other gentlemen saw it?" She stood erect, her delicate body tightening up. There was a strain of some old-time warrior in her blood that would brook no insult to her son. "Yes, half a dozen gentlemen saw it. He did it purposely so they COULD see.

How recklessly she had indulged it, and how the disappointment rankled! A disappointment which she could not accept with the resignation due to fate. At first she had done so; but then a singular surmise crept into her thoughts a suspicion which came she knew not whence and thereafter was no rest from fantastic suggestions.

These uncharitable thoughts rankled in their respective minds about 12 A.M. What then was Arthur's disgust, on descending a little late to luncheon that day, to be informed by the resplendent chief-steward who, for some undiscovered reason, always reminded him of Pharaoh's butler that the captain had altered the places at table, and that this alteration involved his being placed next to none other than Mrs.