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He went to the Argentine. Owns a big cattle ranch down there. Wants me to go in with him and buy the adjoining ranch. He sails day after to-morrow. I'm going with him, to live a wild, rough life; and the wilder and rougher it is the better I shall like it." "Oh!" says Sister Evelyn, liftin' her eyebrows sarcastic. "Will you?"

No wonder, then, that as he climbed the ladder up the side of the barn, with the ladder quaking beneath his weight, Bull Hunter began to sing, his thundering bass ringing among the ranch buildings until Mrs. Bridewell opened the kitchen window to hear the better, and old Bridewell stopped his ears in mock dismay at the thunder of Bull's voice.

This resort was informally known as thechicken ranch.” When Ramon tried to take his fair partner there, on the plea that they must have a bite to eat, she objected. “I don’t believe that place is respectable,” she told him very primly. “I don’t think you ought to ask me to go there.” “O Hell!” said Ramon to himself.

She told Louise about the ranch and the linen frocks and the frilled aprons. "She is going to make herself over. I wonder if it will be a success." "It doesn't fit in with my theories," said Louise. "I think it is much better if people marry each other ready-made." Becky turned from her mirror. "Louise," she said, "does anything ever fit in with a woman's theories when she falls in love?"

Away to the west, where the mountains loomed grandly, bright lights lay on peaks still white with the remnants of winter snows. Suddenly, driving the shadows before it, the sun seemed to leap above the rim of the world. During the next twelve hours there was much riding from ranch to ranch.

"You must have lived on a ranch a long time," ventured Ruth. "Did I? Well, perhaps I did. Say, lace this up the back for me, that's a dear," and she turned around so that Alice or Ruth could fasten a corset-like pad that covered a large part of her body. It would not show under her dress, but would be a protection in case of a fall.

As the land was rolling here hills and there hollows they were soon out of sight of the ranch buildings, but they were not afraid, as they knew by going to a high part of the prairie they could see their way back home or they thought they could. There were no woods around them, though there were trees and a little stream of water farther off.

Slightly dazed, though certain, let us be on, into the shrill thick of it. So, then Out there in the great open spaces where men are men, a clash of primitive hearts and the coming of young love into its own! Well had it been for Estelle St. Clair if she had not wandered from the Fordyce ranch.

A little grass peninsula running out between the river and a narrow lagoon, a part of Decker's ranch, two miles by water below the Springs and half a mile from Decker's Ferry, set all about with a hedge of rose, willow, and wild-currant bushes, sword-grass, and tall reeds, the grasses enormous, like Japanese decorations, crossing the darks of the opposite shore and the lights of the river and sky.

But if her little girl was carried away to a distant ranch ah! that made it impossible! Let Don Lance, worthy patron of his people, forbid the match, and win the gratitude of an anguished mother. Invoking the saints to guide her aright, Doña Inez threw herself on the bed in hysterical lamentation.