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At various intervals, the commander presses an electric button and raises and lowers the periscope as quickly as possible, so as to take his own observation without, if possible, being observed himself; for he knows that any injury to the periscope his most priceless jewel would, as it were, render the boat blind and rob him of the much coveted laurel leaves.

Even the portrait of her aunt, so like her in feature, so different in expression, was glanced at with something like triumph spiced with content. "She was handsome as I!" cried Angelique. "She was fit to be a queen, and made herself a nun and all for the sake of a man! I am fit to be a queen too, and the man who raises me nighest to a queen's estate gets my hand!

It is characterized by a stiffness of the hock. The extension of the hock is incomplete, the step is short and quick, the animal "goes on its toe" and the wall or shoe at the toe shows considerable wear. Because of the stiffness in the hock the animal raises the quarter when the limb is carried forward. Turning toward the well side may increase the lameness.

The eyes of all are more than proportionally turned upon these for the whole night. This little circumstance soon generates a variety of improper passions. It calls up vanity and conceit in the breasts of these objects of admiration. It raises up envy and jealousy, and even anger in some of the rest.

In all honesty the hospital is a convent, and the men in it my brothers. This for months on end.... For all that, now and then some one raises his eyes and looks at me; one day follows another and the glance deepens. "Charme de l'amour qui pourrait vous peindre!" Women are left behind when one goes into hospital.

For the poet has this peculiar to himself; that he communicates something from his own mind, which, at the same time that it does not prevent his personages from being kept equally distinct from one another, raises them all above the level of our common nature. Shakspeare, whom we appear not only to know, personally, but to admire and love as one superior to the cast of his kind,

It is clear that the nation which produced them has fallen into a kind of unconscious stupor, which has been its mental condition ever since, and which to-day raises puny Europe to the stature of a giant before the fallen colossus. Again: many ages ago the Mongolian family in China invented many material processes which have been mainly the clause of the rise of Europe in our days.

It is not a mere invention, but a compound of the words smile and eyelash. A smile suggests good humor; eyelashes soften the expression and are the only features that never blemish a face. Hence Smilash is a sound that should cheer and propitiate. Yet it exasperates. It is really very odd that it should have that effect, unless it is that it raises expectations which I am unable to satisfy."

The largest and most inexhaustible rubber supply in the world is found in the Amazon Valley region. The central section raises so much cocoa that it gives Brazil first rank in the production of this commodity. The great temperate region produces three-fourths of all the coffee used in the world. Of course, there is much overlapping in the distribution of these products.

Those hide boots, spotted with mud, and the blood of the calf, would keep him from wanting another meal for many a long day " "Ay, thou fearless one! Why, it is said that if the grizzly even raises his paw and slaps the face every feature is crushed out of shape." "I should not be surprised."