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"I'll jolly poor Justine a bit, so as to leave one faithful friend to watch and get all my letters here. Jack can raise money on the jewels now for us both. I must tell these fellows of the French Bank here that I go to London to see my own lawyers. I'll go over, settle with Anstruther, and then just quietly disappear.

He did not dare to raise his eyes again toward her pew, lest a sight of her sweet, grave face might shake his resolution, and he slipped away first among the departing congregation.

"Go away from her!" cried Peg hysterically. "What good do ye think ye can do her? What do you know about her? You don't know anything about yer children ye don't know how to raise them. Ye don't know a thought in yer child's mind. Why don't ye sit down beside her sometimes and find out what she, thinks and who she sees? Take her hand in yer own and get her to open her soul to ye!

"On the surface of the ground, as you see, is frost; but if you raise the thermometer on a stick fourteen feet above the ground, there it is warm. . . . Why is that?" "I really don't know," said Kovrin, and he laughed. "H'm! . . . One can't know everything, of course. . . . However large the intellect may be, you can't find room for everything in it.

For this reason he did not like to give up the siege, though he saw little hopes of accomplishing his object. At length, however, he was obliged to raise the siege, but from a cause with which neither Phil nor his defender had anything to do. The sky, which had till this time been clear, suddenly darkened. In ten minutes rain began to fall in large drops.

Many a poor, seduced girl would have appeared to her less guilty, less degraded than this girl, who, knowing all a man's antecedents, which she evidently did bad as he was, set herself deliberately to marry him a well-planned, mercenary marriage, by which she might raise herself out of her low station into a higher, and escape from the drudgery of labor into ease and splendor.

He sought to raise himself a little. Allan raised him so that she could hold him on her bosom, which was what he wanted. "I have done you many wrongs, my own. I have fallen like a poor stray shadow on your way, I have married you to poverty and trouble, I have scattered your means to the winds. You will forgive me all this, my Ada, before I begin the world?"

She moved slightly, as if she were tired of remaining in one position, and were shifting to an easier one, but still she did not speak, nor did she raise her eyes to look at him. "I'm not fit to be your husband," he said. "I'm not fit to be any woman's husband, but much less yours.

The pope strove to confound my arguments by this quotation from the Gospel: 'He that hath seen giveth testimony. But as he did not explicitly raise the objection that Gaudri had been elected by desire of the court, all subtle subterfuge on any such point became useless; so I gave it up, and confessed that I could say nothing in opposition to the pontiff's words; which pleased him very much, for he had less scholarship than would have become his high office.

At last he located each object, calculated respective distances, and before the summer was over he avoided obstacles as if he had had eyes. You would not have known he was blind but for the fact that when he drew near the steps or near a door he learned to open screen doors with his paws he would raise his front foot, and feel about like a blind man with a stick.