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Curling herself up in one corner, she rested her cheek upon her arm, which she had thrown over the railing, and looked down the road toward the railway station. Although a very beautiful one, it was a sad, wistful young face which turned toward the sunshine and shadows dancing upon the road.

Old Adam Ward's swell daughter a-goin' up to see the Interpreter. Gee!" On the lower step of the zigzag stairway, with her hand on the railing, the young woman paused suddenly and turned about. To the watching children she must have looked very much indeed like the beautiful princess of the Interpreter's fairy tale. "Tom " She hesitated and looked doubtfully toward the children. "Yes, Miss."

This unnatural quiet. The machinery has stopped. What! the boat is rushing straight on to the banks. H-w-k! A whole shower of spray is dashed into our faces. Little shrieks and laughter, and a sudden hopping up from stools, and a sudden retreat from the railing to the centre of the deck. Staggering, quivering, aghast, the boat reels and careens.

Here and there along the walls of rock on each side, near the entrance, there were a great many curious structures to be seen, and openings cut in the rock. On one side was a chapel excavated in the rock, with an iron railing in front of it, to separate it from the road. Within this railing there was an altar, with lamps burning before it, and a priest begging money of the people passing by.

He leaned over the railing of the gallery, and watched his legions gathering for the day's battle. Some two hours later Hugo was in one of the common rooms devoted to the leisure and diversion of the legions in the upper basement: a large and bright apartment, ornamented with bookcases, wicker chairs, and reproductions of all that was most uplifting in graphic art.

The face was turned in his direction, and he felt an additional thrill when he realized that she must have been watching him as he came in, for she was leaning forward with a gloved hand on the railing. He performed that act of conventionality known as a bow, and she nodded her head black hat and all.

One little foot was poised, just in the act of stepping down to the next lower stair, and the fat hand grasped the polished railing, expressive of just enough caution to make it truly childish. In after years Jasper never thought of Phronsie without bringing up this picture on that April morning, when Polly and he sat at the foot of the stairs, and looked up and saw it.

Only the furthest end of it was unadorned and without even a railing, that there might be nothing to intercept the view of the "marriage." Three hours before noon none were absent but those whose places were secured, and ere long curiosity brought them also to the spot.

I'm no anarchist railing at wealth and luxury ... but you men that want everything ... and give nothing " She broke off and abruptly demanded, "Well, when you think about it, what do you call it to yourselves?" "Where is she?" demanded Paul. "She's out with a dinky, barnstorming company, playing one-night stands on a route of tank-towns and whistling stations. It was all she could get.

There was a flight of steps leading up to this platform from the floor of the raft, and a little railing on each side of it, to keep the captain from falling off while he was walking there.