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No! He calls me Kenny!" Garry laughed aloud at the wrathful search for grievance. It was not always easy to remember that Kenny had eloped at twenty with the young wife who had died when his son was born; and that his son was twenty-three. "Go on," said Kenny. "Laugh your fool head off. I'm merely stating facts." "As for his tennis racquet," reminded Garry, and Kenny flushed.

It developed that of studio things the racquet and the shotgun had seemed the least essential. And the need had been imperative. "Nevertheless," interposed Garry, "they and a number of other things you pawned were Brian's." Moreover, reverting to the fishing rods and golf clubs, Kenny would like to have them both remember that it had been winter and one can redeem most anything by summer.

At that time Scott's opinion was that the pony snow-shoes they had, which were made on the grating or racquet principle, would probably be the best, the only alternative seeming to be to perfect the principle of the lawn mowing shoe. 'Perhaps, he adds, 'we shall come to both kinds: the first for the quiet animals and the last for the more excitable.

"I say, whatever do you want?" Maud said impatiently, "Don't you see we are playing?" "Yes, and I thought I would like to play too, please," said Margaret, in shy but friendly tones. "I have finished with the children for the morning. Perhaps Hilary or one of your cousins will lend me a racquet and I will come and play on your side."

He took it for granted that thereafter they must be lost to each other. But save for his desire to blame her for these mischances, which did not offend her, since it was so like the harmless spite of a child that beats his racquet because it has sent his ball into the next garden, he seemed not to be thinking of her part in that loss at all.

Racquet who had maintained a well-bred silence from the first moment of his mistress's reproof, had honoured me with his approval while we sat in the farm-house sitting-room, and sealed the agreement by a friendly thrust of his nose as we said "Goodnight."

'This is she of course? asked Mrs Jo, pointing to the much-ruffled damsel with the jaunty hat, coquettish shoes, and racquet in her hand. 'That's Dora. Isn't she lovely? cried Tom, forgetting his tribulations for a moment and speaking with lover-like ardour. 'Very nice little person to look at. Hope she is not a Dickens Dora? That curly crop looks like it.

There was another chance, however. Using his racquet as a spade, Malcolm was soon at work clearing the snow away right around the roots. The chain was a long one, and driven into one of the leaders was a steel fastener. It was as he expected. Not only had the chain been obviously gnawed, but there was considerable chafing of the bark as well.

But he still looked at Queenie, as she flamed in her beauty. "Oh, three's a rotten game. You can't play the two of us unless Miss Severn handicaps me." "She won't do that. Anne could take us both on and play a decent game." Queenie picked up her racquet and stood between them, beating her skirts with little strokes of irritated impatience.

Clowes brought her in the Wanhope car as far as the Wanhope footpath, and would have sent her home, but Isabel declined, ostensibly because she wanted to stretch her legs, actually because she couldn't afford to tip the Wanhope chauffeur. So she tumbled out of the car and walked away at a great rate, waving Laura farewell with her tennis racquet.