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These are mainly the transmissions of heredity, and the environments that are racial, temporal, epochal, or local. This enduring tendency is foreshadowed in the following extracts: "August 2, 1843. I have been thinking much of late about the very great influence which nationality and the family progenitors have upon character.

You see I had come to the place where I could understand a German soldier's national and racial point of view, though I doubt his ability ever of understanding mine.

The racial stock that made the Commonwealth of Massachusetts a civilized state is perishing. It is being replaced from the slums of Europe. The standard of life is dragged lower with each generation. "The negro, you tell me, must work for others or be flogged. The poor white man at your door must work for others or be starved. The negro is subject to a single master.

"Ten years later, when they were rescued, all three were immensely wealthy, from trading hats with each other. That's about the way this thing will work." One of the lady social workers bristled; it wasn't right to make derogatory jokes about racial groups. One of the professors harrumphed; wasn't a parallel at all, the Self-Sustaining Rotary Pension Plan was perfectly feasible.

In the maritime provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island, there were no racial antagonisms to affect internal development; and the political conflict never reached such proportions as to threaten the peace and security of the people.

For religion is even as medicine, which if it should aggravate the disease, its abandonment would be preferred. Likewise, religious, racial, national, and political prejudice, all are subversive of the foundation of human society, all lead to bloodshed, all heap ruin upon mankind. So long as these remain, the dread of war will continue. The sole remedy is universal peace.

He found descriptions of the slaughter of men and women and children in air raids, and he naturally concludes that the "providence of God" is an insult to the earthly intelligence. Greatly disturbed, he picks up one of our newspapers and the stories of hate and racial antagonism rear their ugly heads.

As a result of this group thought, feelings and beliefs are developed which are entertained by every individual of the community. These racial feelings become a part of the race itself; they are inseparable from it, and they find expression in the loftiest of sentiments and the most earnest of religious beliefs.

The sovereignty of the Chinese Republic is exercised by the National Council, the Provisional President, the Cabinet and the Judiciary. Art. 5. Citizens of the Chinese Republic are all equal, and there shall be no racial class or religious distinctions. Art. 6. Citizens shall enjoy the following rights: Art. 7. Citizens shall have the right to petition the Parliament. Art. 8.

But, assuming that the present anti-Negro legislation is but a temporary reaction, then the steady progress of the colored race in wealth and culture and social efficiency will, in the course of time, materially soften the asperities of racial prejudice and permit them to approach the whites more closely, until, in time, the prejudice against intermarriage shall have been overcome by other considerations.