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I do not know, but since He has kept to Himself the conduct of your soul, let Him act; be patient, He will explain His action; trust in Him, He will help you; be content to protest with the Psalmist: 'Doce me facere voluntatem tuam, quia Deus meus es tu. "I tell you again I believe in the preventive virtue, the formal power of the Sacraments.

How should he not have heard gladly that the monarch, at every interview with Barbara, listened to her singing with special pleasure? At first she chose grave, usually even religious songs, and among them Charles's favourite was the "Quia amore langueo." To listen to these deeply felt tones of yearning always seemed to possess a fresh charm for him. No wonder!

What we want now is a strong purpose; the purpose of Luther, when he said, in repeating his Pater Noster, fiat voluntas MEA, let my will be done; though he considerately added, quia Tua, because my will is Thine.

SCHOLIUM. If a man be asked how he knows that he is? he can only answer, sum quia sum.

Moreover, much of what we have is rendered useless, except for antiquarian purposes, by the extremely crude notions of etymology displayed. Caelum is from cavus, or from chaos; terra from teri, quia teritur; Sol from solus; lepus from levipes, &c.

Mr. Rigby, in reply, made a short but humorous speech, in which he mentioned of how little consequence the title of "lord" and "lady" was without money to support it, and finished with the Latin proverb, "infelix paupertas quia ridiculos miseros facit."

Barbara had to sing the "Quia amore langueo" again, and how it sounded this time to the listening hearer! No voice which the Emperor Charles had ever heard had put such pure, bewitching melody into this expression of the deepest yearning. It seemed as though the longing of the whole world was flowing to him from those fresh, young, beautifully formed red lips.

Patrick described to them the likeness of the place with his finger, from Cill-Garad, quia venerunt ad Patricium ut obteret illis de locis quos invenerent. That my drink is not from the pure well."

Where we fail is for want of Homers, not Agamemnons. Carent quia vale sacro, you know." "I recall the quotation. But I don't think I quite follow you." "Well, in plain language, we have no good writers in London who make a specialty of that kind of thing. Our common reporter is a dull dog; every story that he has to tell is spoilt in the telling.

"Well, madame, the day has come, the great day when Jansoulet will confound his enemies confundantur hostes mei, quia injuste iniquitatem fecerunt in me because they have unjustly persecuted me." The old lady bent religiously before the Latin of the Church, but her face expressed a vague expression of uneasiness at this idea of enemies and of persecutions.