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Very valuable are the data regarding Mary Stuart's departure from France in 1561. Brantôme was one of her suite, and describes her grief when the shores of France faded away, and her arrival in Scotland, where on the first night she was serenaded by Psalm-tunes with a most villainous accompaniment of Scotch music. "! quelle musique!" he exclaims, "et quel repos pour la nuit!"

With a muttered exclamation he straightened himself and tore off her mask. Ben-Hepple goes on to say that his Majesty went from scarlet to white, from white to green, and then back again to scarlet before he made his world-famed remark, "Mon Dieu! Quel visage!" At this moment Du Barry appeared, furious at being left, and dragged her royal paramour away. But the mischief was done.

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!" Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures. "Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

It ought to be translated for the benefit of readers who know Gautier chiefly by Mademoiselle de Maupin and that for reasons among which love of literature is perhaps the least influential. It is pleasant to find that Renduel confirms the popular view of Gautier's character. M. Jullien says that Renduel never spoke of Gautier but in praise. 'Quel bon garçon! he used to say.

I have sometimes been deluded in an unaccountable manner, Captain Ludlow, when my mind has been thoroughly set on the bargain, in the quality of the goods; for the most liberal of us all are subject to mental weakness of this nature, when hope is alive!" "Certainement, oui!" exclaimed the eager valet "Quel malheur to be obligé to go on la mèr, when Mam'selle Alide nevair quit la maison!

Mr Mitchell belonged to an exceptionally large number of clubs and was a favourite at all. His laugh was the chief cause of his popularity there. 'Il est fou, said Landi quietly to Edith. 'Quel monde! I don't think there are half-a-dozen sane people at this table. 'Oh, Landi! 'And if there are, they shouldn't by rights be admitted into decent society.

"Don't, mamma," Blanche said, with a French shrug of her shoulders; and then she fell into a rhapsody about the book, about the snatches of poetry interspersed in it, about the two heroines, Leonora and Neaera; about the two heroes, Walter Lorraine and his rival the young duke "and what good company you introduce us to," said the young lady, archly, "quel ton!

A Frenchman regards, with perfect indifference, dances which, to a stranger at least, appear performed with inimitable grace, because they are only common dances, admirably well executed; but when one of the male performers, after spinning about for a long time, with wonderful velocity, arrests himself suddenly, and stands immoveable on one foot; or when one of the females wheels round on the toes of one foot, holding her other limb nearly in a horizontal position he breaks out into extravagant exclamations of astonishment and delight: "Quel a plomb!

J'en suis de même!" As she spoke, she fell, struck forward by a sudden shock, the coach was rocking like a boat, and plunging down unknown gulfs. Mr. Raleigh seized her, broke through the door, and sprang out. "Qu'avez vous?" she exclaimed. "The old willow is fallen in the wind," he replied. "Quel dommage that we did not see it fall!"

On demandoit a un abbe de Laval Montmorency quel age avoit son frere le marechal dont il etoit l'aine. "Dans deux ans," dit-il, "nous serons du meme age." On se preparoit a observer une eclipse, et le roi devoit assister a l'observation. M. de Jonville disoit a M. Cassini "N'attendra-t-on pas le roi pour commencer l'eclipse?"