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If, however, you are such a person, if it is late at night, if all the rest of the household have gone off to bed, if the wind is shaking your windows as if a human hand were rattling the sashes, if your candle or lamp is low and will soon burn out, let me advise you to take up some good quiet sleepy volume, or attack the "Critical Notices" of the last Quarterly and leave this to be read by daylight, with cheerful voices round, and people near by who would hear you, if you slid from your chair and came down in a lump on the floor.

It is not enough that there is a starving cripple across the way he must be on your own doorstep to rouse any interest. When we invest any of our money in charity we want twenty per cent interest, and we want it quarterly. We also wish to have a list of the stockholders made public.

Crabbe then proceeds to deal with the question, evidently implied by the Quarterly reviewer, how far many passages in The Borough, when concerned with low life, were really poetry at all. Crabbe pleads in reply the example of other English poets, whose claim to the title had never been disputed. He cites Chaucer, who had depicted very low life indeed, and in the same rhymed metre.

These meetings are held all through the country, every little church taking care to have its quarterly or annual lovefeast. And it is remarkable what a hold some of these meetings have upon the people; ten, or even twenty miles, have not been considered too great a distance to be travelled in order to be present at some of them, even though the entire journey has had to be performed on foot.

After the Quarterly Meeting in the Third Month they visited each of the meetings within their own Monthly Meeting, "thinking," says J.Y., "a little pastoral care was due to our Friends at home, seeing we are often concerned to go abroad." In the Fifth Month they went up to the Yearly Meeting, via Lincolnshire, taking several meetings in the way.

Witness the painfully uncertain impression left by some parts of one or two of those masterly articles on Romish heroes which appeared in the "Quarterly Review;" an uncertainty which we have the fullest reason to believe was most foreign to the reviewer's mind and conscience. Even Mr. Macaulay's brilliant history here and there falls into the same snare.

It is generally divided into two strong parties, each of which will allow neither common sense nor common honesty to the other side. It reads the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews, and believes them both or if there is a doubt, malice turns the scale.

After bringing out Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk , sketches mainly of Edinburgh society, he produced four novels, Valerius , Adam Blair , Reginald Dalton , and Matthew Wald . His Life of Burns appeared in 1828. He was ed. of the Quarterly Review 1824-53. In 1820 he had m.

The original is fully analyzed in an essay by the present writer, in the Jewish Quarterly Review, iii, 453. See also ibidem, p. 483. The Hebrew text was printed by Edelmann, and also by Steinschneider; by the latter at Berlin, 1852. A writer much cited in this same essay, Richard of Bury, derived his name from his birthplace, Bury St. Edmunds.

Carey had of her own, as it appeared, twenty-five pounds a year, which had hitherto clothed her, and of which she only knew that it was paid to her quarterly by a lawyer at Bath, whose address she gave. Mr. Brownlow followed up the clue, but could not learn much about her belongings.