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She beamed gratefully upon him. "Need any money, Bill, old timer?" she flashed at him suddenly, with delightful camaraderie. "There should be no secrets between partners. I do." "Quanto?" "Cinquenta mille pesos oro, señorita." "Help!" "Fifty thousand bucks, iron men, simoleons, smackers, dollars " She reached down and removed a fountain pen from his upper vest pocket.

Grandcourt gave her one of his narrow examining glances, and then said, "If you like, we can go to Spezia in the morning, and let them take us up there." "No; I shall like nothing better than this." "Very well: we'll do the same to-morrow. But we must be turning in soon. I shall put about." "Ritorna a tua scienza Che vuoi, quanto la cosa e più perfetta Più senta if bene, e cosi la doglienza."

"Heu quanto minus est cum reliquis versari quam tui meminisse!" But Roosevelt was not himself a humorist, and his writings give little evidence of his possession of the faculty. Lincoln, now, was one of the foremost American humorists.

It was ordered to make its voyage to Quanto, in order to comply with the desire and wish of Daifusama. As soon as the ships "Jesus Maria" and "Espiritu Sancto" sailed for Nueva Espana, and the ship "Sanctiago" with the religious for Japon, there was more time to discuss further the matter started by the coming of the Chinese mandarins.

Two to the same effect from Amilcare Anguissola in Cremona acknowledge services rendered to his daughter Sofonisba, who was studying design in Rome. Pietro Urbano wrote twenty letters between the years 1517 and 1525, addressing him in terms like "carissimo quanto padre."

"O Giustizia di Dio, quanto è severa,..." yet Dante's will beggar it.

The religious, Fray Geronymo's associates, gave Daifu the presents which were for him, and told him that the governor was sending that ship at his disposition and command, but that the weather had not allowed it to reach Quanto. Daifusama received the presents, although he did not believe what they told him, but that they were compliments to please him.

Let your own good sense and reason judge of the value of each; and be persuaded, that NOTHING CAN BE BEAUTIFUL UNLESS TRUE: whatever brilliancy is not the result of the solidity and justness of a thought, it is but a false glare. The Italian saying upon a diamond is equally just with regard to thoughts, 'Quanto Piu sodezza, tanto piu splendore'.

The servant found an opportunity to relate all these things to Daifu, who for some time had desired to have the trade and commerce which the Portuguese had established in Nangasaqui in his own kingdoms of Quanto, of which he was the natural lord, in order to give it more importance.

The different kinds of need which may be felt for goods must also be considered, indigentice naturæ, status, voluptatis, and cupiditatis; and a distinction drawn between extensive and intensive need the former is greater 'quanto plures re aliqua indigent, the latter 'quanto minus de illa re habetur. The general rule is that the prince must seek to find a medium between a price so low as to render labourers, artisans, and merchants unable to maintain themselves suitably, and one so high as to disable the poor from obtaining the necessaries of life.