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This evening he talked among other talk a great deal of French very plain and good, as, among others: 'quand un homme boit quand il n'a poynt d'inclination a boire il ne luy fait jamais de bien. I once begun to tell him something of his condition, and asked him whither he thought he should go.

She was humming "Quand I' Amour Meurt" in a gay preoccupation, and evidently sought something upon the table in the centre of the room, for she continued her progress toward it several steps before realizing the presence of a visitor.

Chapter vii. 27. Quand ceux qui out sur vous commandement, parlent

It looks as if the clocks at La Fauconnerie were not very well regulated." He walked up and down with a quick step whistling with a vengeance: "Quand je quittai la Normandie J'attends j'attends " a refrain which the occasion brought to his mind.

On the eve of the attack Doe and I were in our dug-out discussing what part the C.O. would allot us in the operation, when an orderly appeared at the door. "Brigade Bombing Officer here, sir?" he asked, saluting. "Sure thing," said Doe. "The C.O. wants to see you at once, sir." Doe shrugged his shoulders. "Quand on parle du loup, on en voie le queue. Now we shall hear something."

Eugène would get up to go in when the voice stopped singing, but I always used to stop, hoping to hear it again. Then he would say, "Come along in: it is all over." Quand par un tour de maladresse Un boulet m'emportera Allons adieu chère maitresse Je m'en vais dans les combats.

He had a strong attachment to this home of his childhood; and in after years, out of the midst of the American wilderness, his thoughts turned longingly towards it. "Quand reverrai-je mon cher Candiac!" In 1741 Montcalm took part in the Bohemian campaign. He was made colonel of the regiment of Auxerrois two years later, and passed unharmed through the severe campaign of 1744.

A contemporary MS. says of that lady, "Elle flatte fort l'amour propre quand elle parle aux gens." Let us turn to the few, but profoundly beautiful reflections which form the constructive element in La Rochefoucauld's teaching. His aim in edification is to train us to dig through the crust of social sham to the limpid truth which exists in the dark centre of our souls

Nothing is truer in politics, than this reflection of the Cardinal de Retz, 'Que le peuple craint toujours quand on ne le craint pas'; and consequently they grow unreasonable and insolent, when they find that they are feared. Wise and honest governors will never, if they can help it, give the people just cause to complain; but then, on the other hand, they will firmly withstand groundless clamor.

"Hush!" says the good man, lifting up his other finger to his moustache, as I approached, "Boy's asleep. Il est bien joli quand il dort le Boy, n'est-ce pas, Marie?" The maid believed monsieur well the boy was a little angel. "This maid is a most trustworthy, valuable person, Pendennis," the Colonel said, with much gravity.