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Ils revenoient fort las; la nuit approchoit; il veut se reposer: on lui dit qu'il restoit quatres milles a faire "Oh," dit-il, "nous sommes quatres; ce n'est qu'un mille chacun."

"'Aux armes, citoyens!" Her hands swept the audience. "'Marchons! Marchons!" She pointed at the crowd. Each man felt her fiery glance pierce to him France called she was holding out her arms to her sons to die for her "'Qu'un sang impur abreuve nos sillons!" The singer gathered the great flag to her heart. The tears rolled down her cheeks; she kissed it with the passion of a mistress.

The whole world repeated of her the old saying: "Elle n'a qu'un défaut, celui de mettre de l'esprit partout!" When M. Delille came out, Mlle. Fontaine and he generally played together, amid thundering plaudits of overflowing audiences. Delille himself was a perfect artist. The French theatre was in its glory.

La "Revue d'Edimbourg" est plus qu'un simple organe; souvent elle donne la note, la formule des idees acceptees par le parti dont elle continue d'arborer les couleurs sur sa couverture bleue et chamois, les couleurs de M. Fox. 'J'ai dit que Reeve n'avait pas pris part au gouvernement.

'J'en offre ici toute mes excuses aux spectateurs intelligents, he says in a note to one of the plays; 'esperons qu'un jour un seigneur venitien pourra dire tout bonnement sans peril son blason sur le theatre. C'est un progres qui viendra. And, though the description of the crest is not couched in accurate language, still the crest itself was accurately right.

C'est moins qu'un moment, Un peu plus qu'un reve. In the semi-obscurity of a great drawing-room filled with flowers, the seats of the furniture covered with holland, the chandeliers draped with muslin, the windows open, and the venetians lowered, Mme.

He then, advancing gravely, addressed himself to the audience in these words: "Messieurs, dans l'univers il n'ya qu'un soleil; dans le royaume de France il n'ya qu'un Roi; dans la medicine il n'ya que Charini." With this he placed his hand on his heart, bowed, and drew himself up with a look of the most glorious complacency.

"C'est plus qu'un Anglais c'est un Anglomane!" Newman said soberly that he had never noticed it; and M. de Grosjoyaux remarked that it was really too soon to deliver a funeral oration upon poor Bellegarde. "Evidently," said M. Ledoux. "But I couldn't help observing this morning to Mr.

As the latter fell at his feet, gazing into his face with the vacant stare of one surprised by death, Sanglier took a pinch of snuff, and said in a calm voice, "Voila l'affaire finie; mais," shrugging his shoulders, "ce n'est qu'un scelerat de moins." The act was too sudden to be prevented; and when Arrowhead, uttering a yell, bounded into the bushes, the white men were too confounded to follow.

The last sighs of Cadieux seemed to expire on her lips: "'Rossignole, va dire a ma maitresse, A mes enfans, qu'un adieu je leur laisse, Que j'ai garde mon amour et ma foi, Et desormais faut renoncer a moi." A few more friends of the family dropped in Coulon de Villiers, Claude Beauharnais, La Corne St. Luc, and others, who had heard of the lady's departure and came to bid her adieu.