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It has been observed, however, that young gentlemen do not always betray this frantic devotion to pyschological inquiry when the subject of it, instead of being a fascinating maiden of twenty, is a homely-featured lady of fifty. Time passed; another cigar was lit; the blue light outside was becoming silvery; and yet the problem remained unsolved.

Of the poet's interest in and attitude towards the more obscure pyschological and psychical problems to popular science foolishness enough has been said, but the remarks of Professor Tyndall have not been cited: My special purpose in introducing this poem, however, was to call your attention to a passage further on which greatly interested me.

Just before dusk the "machine" halted at Verchocq, after a march of thirty-three kilos. They were tired, worn, hungry.... No lorries or cookers turned up that night! Followed that abrupt revival of spirits that cannot but remain a pyschological mystery. No cookers no grub.

He had half resolved to go to the theatre again that evening getting, if possible, into some corner where he might pursue his profound pyschological investigations unseen but now he thought he would not go.

They sat into the night in Lisel Liblichlein's little room. They talked about souls, humps, love.-From that day on the writer Schulz was missing. An acquaintance had last seen him in the evening, in front of the display window of a shoe store. "Hot Heroes" a journal for romantic decadence received a special-delivery letter, in which Schulz reported that, for pyschological

"Well," Jack went on more calmly, "after the first excitement wore off in the public mind, there came after a bit a lull of languid interest; the papers began to forget the supposed facts of the murder, and to dwell far more upon your own new role as a pyschological curiosity. They talked much about your strange new life and its analogies elsewhere.

The question of morality therefore, is in this case simply a question of latitude, and the impropriety of my situation would disappear at once if I inhabited the banks of the Bosphorus, or some palace at Bagdad. Perhaps you take your stand upon the more elevated ground of "sentiment?" Well, this is precisely the pyschological point of view that I am about to discuss, madam.