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It is very pleasant to have her. That is as far as Floyd Grandon has yet gone. "But from now to then," he asks, "what can you find to amuse yourself with?" "To amuse myself?" she asks, rather puzzled. "Why, you are not going away?" and she grasps his arm tightly. "Going away! No." She would miss him then; but, he reflects, there is no one else for companionship.

I can put many things together that once puzzled me the comings and goings of months, the secret reports and consultations, the queer looking men who came to the Castle, the long absences of my husband and my my own virtual imprisonment yes, imprisonment. I was not permitted to leave the castle for days at a time during his absences." "Surely you will not go back again" he began hotly. "Sh!"

I defy your silly talk but remember this, since you are here, your miserable life shall answer for that of the mother and the child." The bonesetter was puzzled by this sudden change in the count's intentions.

And whether the regrets would center upon my slinking home defeated, or in having definitely cast her away, puzzled me as sorely as it did to discover that I was well content to be here, with her, in our little clearing amidst the desert fog, listening to her soft breathing and debating over what she might have done had I actually kissed her to comfort her and assure her that I was not unmindful of her really brave spirit.

His first business was to discover who he was; this did not take long to accomplish, but he was more puzzled than ever; there was no one ill at No. 54, and the gentleman turned out to be a physician of good standing, residing in Cavendish Square.

"That it was Hamish." "Of course they do not. They suspect you. At least, papa does. He cannot make it out; he never was so puzzled in all his life. He says you must either have taken the money, or connived at its being taken: to believe otherwise, would render your manner perfectly inexplicable. Oh, Arthur, he is so grieving!

"Not I," said Leicester, looking askant at the picture. "Don't tell no lies," said Mrs. Vint. "You do know him well." And she pointed her assertion by looking at the portrait. "O, I know him whose picture hangs there, of course," said Leicester. "Well, and that is her husband." "O, that is her husband, is it?" And he was unaffectedly puzzled. Mercy turned pale.

Yes, go and put it up to your mother, and then call me up. Don't you dare say no!" "No wonder he's astonished," Ellen commented while they waited. "For you, who are never content except when you're at the steering wheel, to ask Jordan, who is another just like you, to elect to travel in a limousine with a liveried chauffeur well, I admit I am puzzled myself." "Why, it's simple enough.

Amaryllis Ardayre's large grey eyes opened in a puzzled way. She was on her honeymoon in Paris at a party at the Russian Embassy, and until now had accepted things and not speculated about them. She had lived in the country and was as good as gold.

She had given herself up to the joy of the moment. I rejoiced in a feeling which I could not share; the rebound from the strain of the night left me sad and apprehensive. I sat down and rested my head on my hands, waiting till she came back. When she came, she would not take the food I offered her, but stood a moment, looking at me with puzzled eyes, before she seated herself near.