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How often is a child reprimanded or even punished for laziness and inattention when it cannot help itself? In many instances the morbid matter affects certain centers in the brain and causes nervous conditions, hysteria, St. Vitus' dance, epilepsy, etc. In children the impurities frequently find an outlet through the eardrums in the form of pus-like discharges.

Just before death the skin over the under surface of the body becomes a purplish red. In the chronic form, a dirty, thickened, wrinkled skin is commonly observed. At first the secretion from the eyes is thin and watery, but it becomes thick, heavy and pus-like, causing the margins of the lids to adhere to each other. The death rate in hog-cholera varies in the different forms of the disease.

He made continual, and generally ineffectual, efforts to sneeze. When he did succeed, a very small quantity of pus-like fluid was discharged; the dog was then considerably relieved, but a quarter of an hour afterwards he was as bad as ever. I ordered a slight emetic every third day. There was some relief for seven or eight hours, and then he was as bad as ever.

This is especially true of purulent conjunctivitis when primarily caused by an infectious agent. In the purulent form the discharge is heavy and pus-like. The treatment is both preventive and curative. The first object must be to remove the cause. Irritating gases resulting from stable filth should be remedied by correcting the unsanitary conditions in the stable.

The parasitic life of the bot-fly of sheep results in a severe catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the sinuses of the head, and a discharge of a heavy, pus-like material from the nostrils. The irritation produced by the larvae may be so serious at times as to result in nervous symptoms and death.

It is most active at the commencement of the disease, even before it has acquired a pus-like appearance; indeed, I am not confident whether this property in the matter does not entirely cease as soon as it is secreted in the form of pus. Nor am I certain that the nipples of the cows are at all times in a state to receive the infection.

The swelling and inflammation of the throat, and the heavy, pus-like secretions that accumulate in the nasal cavities, cause difficult respirations. After a few days the abscesses usually break, and the symptoms are less severe. If the abscesses break on the inside of the throat, the discharge from the nostrils is increased.