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'You and Peter are both so beastly civilized! said Ross, in a flannel shirt with baggy breeches and long boots. 'You don't even like killing cattle, and the way Hopwood polishes your boots makes them look much more fitted for St. James's Street than for the camp. 'You ought to make friends with Juan Lara's wife, said Purvis.

In the house above him sat Terry Jordan, Rhinehart, and Hal Purvis playing poker, while Bill Kilduff drew a drowsy series of airs from his mouth-organ. His music was getting on the nerves of the other three, particularly Jordan and Rhinehart, for Purvis was winning steadily. "Let up!" broke out Jordan at last, pounding on the table with his fist. "Your damn tunes are gettin' my goat.

Robert Purvis, a Philadelphian, also agreed that revolution might be the only tool left with which to secure redress for grievances. He contended that to support the government and the constitution on which it was based was to endorse a despotic state, and he went on to express his abhorrence for the system which destroyed him and his people.

She would often sit and swing on a low-bending grape-vine, that hung between two lofty trees, sometimes singing, and sometimes listening to the insects that hummed around her, and all the while as happy a Kate as any Kate in the world. It was here, on the grape-vine swing, that Harry found her, the day after his little affair with George Purvis.

He was evidently a well-to-do farmer, this, and quite at his ease but there was a certain natural anxiety in his manner as he turned to the official, who sat at the desk in the centre of the group. "You're aware of my business, sir?" he asked quietly. "I understand you're the brother of the Stephen Purvis we're wanting to find in connection with this Praed Street mystery," answered the official.

At the same time our signal was made, in obedience to which we went through the fleet and took on board Lord Hood, Sir Hyde Parker, Vice- Admiral Hotham, Captain Purvis of the "Princess Royal," Commodore Linzee, Captain Elphinstone of the "Robust," Captain Nelson of the "Agamemnon," and some half a dozen other officers who were going on shore to witness the attack.

Now and then it fell on the ghastly grin of Terry Jordan and Kate had to clench her hand to keep up her nerve. It was deep night when Jim Silent rode into the clearing. Shorty Rhinehart and Hal Purvis went to him quickly to explain the presence of the girl and the fact that they were all members of the Y Circle X outfit. He responded with nods while his gloomy eyes held fast on Kate.

‘Captain,’ Purvis said in a loud voice, ‘Pinder and I have come to tell you that the proas are within a mile of us, and to ask you to take the command and fight the ship.’ “We heard the skipper tumble out of his bunk again with an angry exclamation. He opened the door without a word and went straight up on to the poop. He listened a moment, and then ran down again. “‘I beg your pardon, Mr.

By the way, they very nearly came to blows in the garden, within a few yards of me, and I heard something that might come in useful and make Rosenthall shoot crooked at a critical moment. You know what an I. D. B. is?" "Illicit Diamond Buyer?" "Exactly. Well, it seems that Rosenthall was one. He must have let it out to Purvis in his cups.

The ticket counter was a heavy-set young man, in spectacles and with his hair much rumpled. He peered curiously at the strangers. "Does any conductor on our lines use a punch which cuts out a keystone?" inquired the General Passenger Agent. "Yes, Purvis," replied the heavy young man. "Runs the Hammondsville local." "I am obliged to you both," said Ashton-Kirk.