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He is acquainted as well with every dog and cat, and horse and cow, knowing their every trick and habit, from the old brindle milker that unlatches his front gate to feed on the lawn, to the bull pup that pinches his legs when he calls on old Granny Brown. For miles around, every road, lane, by-path, shortcut and trail, is a familiar way to him.

"But I couldn't resist a pup by Mr. Coventry's pedigree fox-terrier. It's a first-class strain, and lie promised he'd pick me out a good puppy." "Then hadn't you better wait till he comes hack to make the selection for you?" "He is back."

Somebody kept shouting "Swell-headed pup!" and "Go to the devil!" at somebody else repeatedly, but finally went away, after reaching a vociferous climax of even harsher epithets and instructions. The departure of this raging unknown left the lobby quiet; Canby had gone near to the inner doors.

"My pup often speaks to me with his eyes, but I am not so good at understanding the language as you appear to be. No doubt I shall acquire it in time." "Then you don't like being alone?" said the hunter, after a pause, during which Bladud saw that he was eyeing him keenly, though he pretended not to observe this. "No, I don't like it at all, but it can't be helped."

"It was all his own fault," explained Roger. "I like dogs almost as well as I do people, but it doesn't follow that dogs should mix so constantly with people as they usually are allowed to. I was never in favour of Judge Bascom's bull pup keeping regular office hours with us, but he has, ever since the day he waddled in behind the Judge with a small chain as the connecting link.

"Her name's Alice," he volunteered, with a sidelong fling of his carrot-tinted head. "Yes! she's my sister" he made a snatch at the pup whose speedy demise was threatened, from blood to the head "don't hold Porkey that way, Alice! his eyes'll drop out." But his juvenile confrere shrugged away from his clutch.

She came dancing down the trail, her curls tumbling about her face and down over the perennial bib-overalls, and when the pup saw her he left his scowling master and crept meechingly to take refuge at her feet. "He was chasing Red," she dimpled, "and you know how fierce he is why, Red isn't afraid of a wildcat! Where have you been? We've all been looking for you!"

And Pat, because he had suckled a nanny goat when he was a pup, and had grown up with her kid, and had lived with goats all his life, trotted into the corral, found himself a likeable spot near the gate, snuffed it all over, turned around twice, and curled himself down upon it in perfect content. "He'll stay there all night," Starr told them, laying the bars in their sockets.

It now became his chief occupation, in the long winter evenings, to teach tricks to the Pup. And stimulated by abundant prizes in the shape of fresh herrings and warm milk, right generously did the Pup respond.

"Do you know who that man is on the dais," I asked; "the one all black and white, with the big beard?" "Yes, one of the Prince's suite; some jaw-breaking name with an '-usski' on the end of it. He brought him with him; looks like a bull pup chewing a muff, doesn't he?" I smiled at the comparison, but I was still in doubt.