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We entered into conversation with those who gathered around us. We asked if there was any pundit, any learned man in the village; and if there was we were happy to see him come, as we knew the people would look on us with less suspicion if he was present. In many places they were so unaccustomed to the sight of Europeans that they looked on us with a mingled feeling of curiosity and fear.

"You had better come again if you mean to meet him by that." "He has come on part of the way, and will reach this by some other train," said Lopez. "There ain't nothing he can come by," said the pundit. "Gentlemen can't wait here all day, sir. The horders is against waiting on the platform." "All right," said Lopez, moving away as though to make his exit through the station.

The following morning I sought out Behari Pundit, my Sanskrit professor at Scottish Church College. "Sir, you have told me of your friendship with a great disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya. Please give me his address." "You mean Ram Gopal Muzumdar. I call him the 'sleepless saint. He is always awake in an ecstatic consciousness. His home is at Ranbajpur, near Tarakeswar."

These secured, you may turn up the books, consult the authorities, and gradually accumulate the knowledge which will enable you to satisfy the preferences of each class. So, in good time, you may enjoy such a thrill of pleasure as I felt the other day when a great pundit was good enough to pay me a call. He entered my tiny Odontoglossum house, looked round, looked round again, and turned to me.

There was a good deal of subdued conversation while the pianist was in his extreme agony of execution, and a hush of extreme admiration it was divine, divine, ravishing when he had finished. The speaker was a learned female pundit from India, and her object was to interest the women of America in the condition of their unfortunate Hindoo sisters.

Departure from San Francisco Nature man left behind Fellow-passengers on the Noa-Noa Tragedy of the Chinese pundit Strange stories of the South Seas The Tahitian Hula. The warning gong had sent all but crew and passengers ashore, though our ship did not leave the dock. Her great bulk still lay along the piling, though the gangway was withdrawn.

Savage Landor is fully borne out by his two servants, and, moreover, the Tibetans who took part in it did not try to hide it. In the Rev. Harkua Wilson's tent at Taklakot, before Peshkár Kharak Sing, Pundit Gobaria, and a large number of Bhutias, several Tibetan officials corroborated the whole account as related by Mr. Landor. The man Nerba, who had held Mr.

I am almost devoured by ennui. Pundit is the only conversible person on board; and he, poor soul! can speak of nothing but antiquities.

One of our number was a converted pundit of Almora, who spoke to the people in a way I thought eminently fitted to make a favourable impression. During our residence in Kumaon we had many opportunities of observing the condition and habits of the people. I have mentioned the new resources opened up to them, and yet it must be acknowledged that many are poor.

They said we were brothers in misfortune!" Whereat this learned pundit laughed good-humouredly. It may be that Dr. Traill is the long-range rifleman of whom a Land League man remarked, on hearing that the marksman had made a long series of bull's eyes "The saints betune us an' harm but wouldn't he make an iligant tenant!" Dr. Kane was not surprised to see the professor run away.