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She asks questions and pumps and finds out all we know; then she makes us take down all our goods and put them all back, just to see if we are in the habit of keeping our tempers. Oh, she can make life miserable for us if she chooses! A bit of indifference on our part, and up a report goes, straight to the superintendent, and we get bally-hoo from the buyer shortly after!

In that serious difficulty automatic pumps, controlled by an electrical device, at once began forcing out the water. Other apparatus rushed a supply of compressed air to the flooded compartment in order to hold out the water if possible. For further security the submarine was divided into different compartments, as are most ships in these days.

"Pumps! ay," said Price; "you remember Shakespeare in the `Tempest' he says dear me, I " "Come, Price," said Courtenay, "don't make me sick before my time, it's unkind. You don't know what an analogy there is between spouting and sea-sickness. In both cases you throw up what is nauseous, because your head or you stomach is too weak to retain it.

The 'Endurance' groaned and quivered as her starboard quarter was forced against the floe, twisting the sternpost and starting the heads and ends of planking. The ice had lateral as well as forward movement, and the ship was twisted and actually bent by the stresses. She began to leak dangerously at once. I had the pumps rigged, got up steam, and started the bilge-pumps at 8 p.m.

The creaking and working of the mainmast, too, gave indication that it was nearly sprung. But, to crown all our difficulties, we plummed the well, and found no less than seven feet of water. Leaving the bodies of the crew lying in the cabin, we got to work immediately at the pumps Parker, of course, being set at liberty to assist us in the labour.

The thin English stuffs I allotted to make every one a light coat like a frock, agreeable to the climate, and left them such a quantity as to make more upon their decay; as also pumps, shoes, hats, and stockings.

The trenches and channels were still there, but there was little water in them; and through the ragged fringes of the rusty vineyards I heard, instead of the cheerful songs of the vintagers, the creaking of dry windlasses and the hoarse throb of the pumps in sunken wells.

The gas engine which pumps the water runs the corn sheller or the wood saw. The rural telephone spreads like a web over the countryside.

He wore a courtly dress, appropriate to the most formal possible ceremony; his black suit was glossy; his hat was glossy; his varnished pumps were more than glossy they were phosphorescent. Gloves only were wanting to his honest hands. Soaped, napkined and generally extinguished, I could only stammer, "You here in Brussels? What a droll meeting!"

The dress was wet, and the man was enjoying a quiet pipe, from all which Edgar judged that he was resting after a dive. Near to the plank on which the diver was seated there stood the chest containing the air-pumps. It was open, the pumps were in working order, with two men standing by to work them. Coils of india-rubber tubing lay beside it.