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Up and dressed a pease pudding with boyled rabbets and bacon to dinner for want of a cook-mayde, Sarah leaving us at dawn, and he loving it mightily. The which he should not have this day but that I have a month's mind to a slashte wastcote which hitherto he hath soured upon.

A couple of tablespoonfuls of stewed fruit put into a small bottle is an excellent accompaniment to this cup. Cabinet Cup Pudding. Soak a teaspoonful of gelatine in a dessert spoonful of water. Make a little custard as above, with the third of a pint of milk and one egg. Prepare a small mould by plunging it first into hot water, afterwards into cold water. Take two savoy fingers and four ratafias.

Hultz always sent her own cook over the day before with a string of sausages and a fowl and a great mocha cake, and cheese and hot bread, so that Freda's party should not "cost those kits so awful a lot," as she herself put it. And no festivity was thought by Freda to warrant Alfred's approach to his old habits. She never allowed him so much as a sherry sauce on his pudding.

The eyes were restless and glittering, the once-plump hands shrunken into claws. "You ... you have a message from Sylvia Molineaux?" She tossed the question toward him with biting directness. Could it be possible that this was the same woman who had purred so contentedly over a receipt for corn pudding somewhat over a year ago? He moved a step nearer. "Yes ... but it is private."

This I mixed up into a mess by means of a cup or so of water and a quantity of larrupy-dope. Then I dipped a flour-sack in hot water, wrung it out, sprinkled it with dry flour, and half filled it with my pudding mixture. The whole outfit I boiled for two hours in a kettle. It, too, was good to the palate, and was even better sliced and fried the following morning.

"I'll give you some seaweed pudding, carrageen, you know." Colin didn't know, but he thanked his host heartily, and then turned to the Deputy Commissioner. "What is it, Colin?" he was asked. "Please, sir," the boy replied, "you haven't said anything about my chances in the Bureau." The Fisheries official looked straight at him with a long, level glance.

"Mother sent you some milk for your supper. Where's Tip? Isn't it cold, though? There'll be prime skating to-night. Give me the pitcher right away, please." All this in one breath. Now they would have beautiful fresh milk for supper; and if there was anything which Tip liked, it was pudding and milk.

With Rousseau it is otherwise: lumps of unfused matter break through his conception and into his design; his pudding is not thoroughly baked.

Then add by degrees the spice and the liquor, and lastly, stir in, a few at a time, the raisins or currants. Put the pudding into a buttered dish and bake it an hour and a half. Send it to table cool. You may make this pudding of ground rice, using but half a pint instead of three jills. Pick and wash a pint of rice, and boil it soft. Then drain off the water, and let the rice dry and get cold.

Hans then limped along on the ice and snow, not feeling how cold it was, but only thinking of the poor child asleep out in the cold. The other boys were talking of the good things awaiting them at home, of the feasts, the plum pudding, the Christmas trees, and the many drums, wagons and blocks the Christ-child would put in their shoes that night.