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The quantity given above is sufficient for two people. Line a pudding-basin with slices of bread from which the crust has been removed. Take care to fit the slices together as closely and neatly as possible. Stew any juicy fruit in season with sugar to taste. Do not add water. Top with slices of bread fitted well in. Leave until cold. Turn out and serve.

Lizzie also was softer, and more gracious than usual; especially when she saw me pour guineas, like peppercorns, into the pudding-basin. But by the way they hung about, I knew that something was gone wrong. 'Where is Lorna? I asked at length, after trying not to ask it; 'I want her to come, and see my money. She never saw so much before.

1 lb. flour, 3 ozs. nutter, a full 1/2 pint water. Rub the nutter very lightly into the flour, or chop like suet and mix in. Add the water gradually, and mix well. Put into a pudding-basin, and boil or steam for 3 hours. Turn out and serve with golden syrup, lemon sauce or jam.

But there are two far more serious opponents waiting to be subdued the dinner-tin and the pudding-basin. This pair are hateful beyond words. Their memory will for ever haunt me, a spectral disillusionment to spoil the relish of every repast I may consume in the years that are ahead. The dinner-tin was a rectangular box some three feet long, twenty inches wide and six inches deep.

He disappeared up the stream, cleaving it like a salmon. "He parts his hair at the back of his head!" "His hat is like a pudding-basin!" "Don't breathe upon him, he is so thin!" "He is his own father's son!" "Oh, what a conceited stick!" They had turned to look after him. "He isn't nearly so stern as he walks there; but in the factory, you know, he has to be as firm as a rock.

We each put in our own lot of raisins and turned it all into a pudding-basin, and tied it up in one of Alice's pinafores, which was the nearest thing to a proper pudding-cloth we could find at any rate clean. What was left sticking to the wash-hand basin did not taste so bad. "It's a little bit soapy," Alice said, "but perhaps that will boil out; like stains in table-cloths."

'There won't be any dinner, with no cook and no pudding-basin, Anthea reminded him; 'but there's always bread-and-butter. 'Let's get home, said Cyril. The Lamb was furiously unwishful to be dressed in his warm clothes again, but Anthea and Jane managed it, by force disguised as coaxing, and he never once whooping-coughed.

Pollyon hath got a heap of guineas on his table; wouldn't go into the big yellow pudding-basin! And sure enough he had, your Honour, in piles, as if he was telling of them. He had slipped out suddenly, and thought the passage door was bolted. What a comfort it was to me, I can't configurate. Because I could eat my dinner comfortable now, for such a big heap of money never I did see."

It commends itself especially to food-reformers, as the slow cookery renders the food more digestible, and the earthenware pots are easier to keep clean than the ordinary saucepan. The food is served up in the pot in which it is cooked, this being simply placed on a dish. A large pudding-basin covered with a plate may be used in default of anything better.

And set up in one corner, white and ghostly making you stare a minute when you first came inside a ship's figure-head, a three-foot odd Britannia, pudding-basin bosomed and eagle-featured, with castellated headgear, clasping a trident in her hand. She, as presiding deity and