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Oh, my Lord Howe! it seemed a trifling incident to you and to your bloodhound, Provost Marshal Cunningham, but those winged last words were worth ten thousand men to the drooping patriot army.

He was about to yield to the fear of torture, when his courage returned to him at this reflection, grotesque, without doubt, but which, under the circumstances in which it presented itself to his mind, became almost heroic, "One does not sacrifice oneself for others with the sole aim of being crowned with flowers." The provost entered the council room.

This building served the triple purpose of school, church and Masons' Hall, the upper story being used for holding church service, and by the Masons for their meetings, and the lower for the school. The principal of this school was called the provost, a high-sounding title which must have made even the most insignificant of pedagogues feel proud and important.

A crowd of lesser dignitaries, each in the garments of his office, attended the ceremonial. The Bishop of Salford held up the Pontificale and the Bishop of Amycla bore the wax taper. The provost of Westminster, on his knees, read aloud the Profession of Faith, surrounded by the Canons of the Diocese.

"This completed, together with the other customary prayers for the dying, I took my departure. I returned to the house of the Provost, Dr. Sust, and laid everything before him, and he said I had done quite right.

"I know that I have my orders," growled the veteran. "I am taking them to the Provost. It is for him to decide." "That is too much ceremony," was the retort. "Let us shoot them!" "But they are not worth a cartridge!" shouted another man. "Throw them into the river!" That ominous cry was taken up. "Yes, yes, to the river with them!"

"Bellringer!" interpolated the provost, who had waked up early enough to be in a sufficiently bad temper, as we have said, not to require to have his fury inflamed by such strange responses. "Bellringer! I'll play you a chime of rods on your back through the squares of Paris! Do you hear, knave?"

"The biggest rascal in the world!" he cried; "I ought to have suspected him." "What a handsome man he was!" said the hostess. "A consummate rascal! Do you know who he is? He is the Marquis de Saint-Maixent!" "The Marquis de Saint-Maixent!" all cried with horror. "Yes, the very man," replied the provost; "the Marquis de Saint-Maixent, accused, and indeed convicted, of coining and magic." "Ah!"

The conference with the laymen was adjourned Monday afternoon, after which they dined together. The pastors then attended to business generally regarded as belonging to them. Hartwick addressed the elders, wishing their congregations every blessing. The Swedish provost expressed his desire to be a member of the body. But Peter Kock having died, no Swede attended the meeting in the following year.

One of the most noted and influential among the contemporaries, countrymen, and opponents of Descartes, was the priest and natural scientist, Petrus Gassendi, from 1633 Provost of Digne, later for a short period professor of mathematics at Paris. Its superior influence depends on the fact that, in the conception of atoms, it offered exact inquiry a most useful point of attachment.