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While New England was sadly disappointed by this second failure to take Quebec, the French of Canada considered it a providential interposition in their behalf, and the church, which had been first named after the defeat of Phipps, was now dedicated to Notre Dame des Victoires. All this while the French dominion was slowly and surely extending into the great valleys of the West and South.

Surely, has such an one thought, nature is a mighty and consistent whole, and the providential order established in the world of life must, if we could only see it rightly, be consistent with that dominant over the multiform shapes of brute matter.

After this providential escape we lay-to within the island, in order to drift to the northward and westward of it with the flood tide, which runs stronger here than in any other part of the Frozen Strait. The night was fine, but extremely dark, so that after ten o'clock we could not distinguish where the land lay, and the compasses could not be depended on.

A firm belief in Providential support has not been unrewarded. In the midst of sickness and malaria we had strength; from acts of treachery we were preserved unharmed; in personal encounters we remained unscathed. In the end, every opposition was overcome: hatred and insubordination yielded to discipline and order.

But the answer has been disappointment. The old, ay, perhaps the most common lesson of life, is disappointment. And now I ask, is it not an intended lesson? Evidently it comes in as an element in the Providential plan in which we are involved. For we see its disciplinary nature, its wise and beneficial results in harmony with that Plan.

That the whole city did not go is due to a providential switch of the wind that blew the flames back on their own tracks. Of the fifteen operators in the day force, twelve had been burned out, and the next morning, at eight o'clock, when all had reported for duty, they were as sorry a looking lot of men as ever assembled. "Some in rags, some in jags, and one in velvet gown."

Even after "launching" the Catamaran, every day, almost every hour, had they been doing something to improve her, either by giving the craft greater strength and compactness, or in some other way rendering her more worthy both of the sea and her sailors. By this providential industry they were now profiting: since by it, and it alone, were they enabled to "ride out" the gale.

The propeller had e'en jarred off, as I knew it must, an' Calder had been waitin' for it to go wi' his hand on the gear. He told me as much when I met him ashore. There was nothin' started or strained. It had just slipped awa' to the bed o' the Atlantic as easy as a man dyin' wi' due warning a most providential business for all concerned. Syne I took stock o' the Grotkau's upper works.

And in addition there are to be reckoned the exactions of the provincial Government, which seems to have looked upon the Missions generally as a sort of providential and inexhaustible milch cow.

The new reading of that preparation restores the needful unity. Christianity is no exception amid the general order of nature. It follows that providential plan. It grows from seed to flower. Its beginnings were in a simple conception of ethical religion begotten in a heathen people through Moses. In the womb of the nation it lay dormant till the time for quickening came.