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"Halloa, boys! have you room for me?" They were too much taken aback to reply immediately, and then one of them said "Oh yes; come and sit down." As I seated myself among them they asked "Have you been out prospecting?" "Yes," I said quietly, "and I have been away a very long time." "And where did you leave your mates?" was the next question. "I had no mates," I told them.

"Promote a mining company?" she repeated. "That sounds extremely businesslike. How when where?" "Now here in Granville," he replied. "The how is largely Paul Lorimer's idea. You see," he continued, warming up a bit to the subject, "when I was prospecting that creek where we made the clean-up last summer, I ran across a well-defined quartz lead.

A fearless blue-jay alighted on the bank and made a prospecting peck at the tobacco pouch. It yielded in favor of a gopher, who endeavored to draw it toward his hole, but in turn gave way to a red squirrel, whose attention was divided, however, between the pouch and the revolver, which he regarded with mischievous fascination.

It was as though we awakened to a new world, untrodden by men; which was, indeed, a good deal the case. While we ate breakfast we discussed our plans. The first necessity, of course, was to find out about gold. To that end we agreed to separate for the day, prospecting far and wide. Bagsby kept camp, and an eye on the horses.

Tillou instructed the others in prospecting, and they went to work with pick and shovel then with drill and blasting-powder. The prospect of immediately becoming millionaires vanished. "One week of this satisfied me. I resigned," is Mark Twain's brief comment. The Humboldt reports had been exaggerated. The Clemens-Clagget-Oliver- Tillou millionaire combination soon surrendered its claims.

The western group, Mr. Foote tells us, is far poorer in auriferous localities than either of the others, and they are scattered widely apart. He examined in all seven localities. Of the first locality examined, he says that the geological features are all favourable to the occurrence of gold, and that the locality is worthy of very careful prospecting.

The first man who came to Purple Valley prospecting had often stopped his work and looked at The Stone in a half-fear that it would spring upon him unawares. And yet he had as often laughed at himself for doing so, since, as he said, it must have been there hundreds of thousands of years.

I was up on the Knobkerry River, prospecting for diamonds, in Omomborombunga's country. I had nobody with me but poor Jim-jim, who afterwards met with an awful death, otherwise he would have been glad to corroborate my tale, if it needed it. One night I had come back tired to camp, when I found a stranger sitting by the fire.

The burro won't eat it, but I wouldn't trust the others." A new life began for McTeague. After breakfast the "pardners" separated, going in opposite directions along the slope of the range, examining rocks, picking and chipping at ledges and bowlders, looking for signs, prospecting.

The stranger took from his saddle bags a little leather case containing some half dozen phials. One, enwrapped in dark-blue paper, he held up to Concho. "This contains a preparation of silver." Concho's eyes sparkled, but he looked doubtingly at the stranger. "Get me some water in your pan." Concho emptied his water bottle in his prospecting pan and handed it to the stranger.