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The principal use of the Jews seemed to be to lend money, and to fulfil the predictions of the old prophets of their race. No doubt the individual sons of Abraham whom we found in our ill-favored and ill-flavored streets were apt to be unpleasing specimens of the race.

As the wayward of every age have failed to fathom the deeper import of these weighty and pregnant utterances, and imagined the answer of the Prophets of God to be irrelevant to the questions they asked them, they therefore have attributed ignorance and folly to those Essences of knowledge and understanding. Likewise, Muḥammad, in another verse, uttereth His protest against the people of that age.

That is the consideration which has obtained from the nation the protection of tolerance under which the Prophets flourish.

As to love: "We cannot permit love to run riot; we must build fences around it, as we do around pigs." As to money: "In theory, it is not respectable to be rich. In fact, poverty is a disgrace." As to literature: "Poets are prophets whose prophesying never comes true." As to prudence: "Trying to live a spiritual life in a material world is the greatest folly I know anything about."

During the last night that I spent with both of them, the sisters repeated over and over, in the midst of the raptures of love, that they never would see me again. They guessed rightly; but if they had happened to see me again they would have guessed wrongly. Observe how wonderful prophets are! I went on board, on the 5th of May, with a good supply of clothing, jewels, and ready cash.

The profane temples are destroyed, the pulpits of seduction are cast down. The prophets of falsehood are torn from their flocks. At the first blow dealt to it by Louis, heresy falls, disappears, and is reduced either to hide itself in the obscurity whence it issued, or to cross the seas, and to bear with it into foreign lands its false gods, its bitterness, and its rage."

The position thus given to Jehovah is clearly one which lifts him high above the rank of a national deity. The prophets understand with growing clearness that Jehovah is the creator of the world, and the author of all the glories, both of the celestial and of the terrestrial frame.

When they came together in their meetings for worship, 'every one had a psalm, a doctrine, an interpretation. 'Let the prophets speak, by ones, or at most by twos'; and if another gets up to interrupt, let the first speaker sit down.

Dave's just an all-round genius a genius of the first water, gentlemen; a great scientist running to seed here in this village, a prophet with the kind of honor that prophets generally get at home for here they don't give shucks for his scientifics, and they call his skull a notion factory hey, Dave, ain't it so? But never mind, he'll make his mark someday finger mark, you know, he-he!

This is a doctrine which the modernist philosophers themselves emphasise, as does M. Bergson, whom some of them follow, and say the Catholic church itself ought to follow in order to be saved for prophets are constitutionally without a sense of humour.