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The political society of the ancient Germans has the appearance of a voluntary alliance of independent warriors. The tribes of Scythia, distinguished by the modern appellation of Hords, assume the form of a numerous and increasing family; which, in the course of successive generations, has been propagated from the same original stock.

As we have seen already, it was propagated from this centre through other regions of Asia, until it spread to Western Europe, and the "Asiatic cholera" of 1831-32 may be lineally traced back to the last Maráthá war. The position of Hastings in Indian history closely resembles that of Wellesley.

Therefore, I can see no difficulty, more especially under changing conditions of life, in the continued preservation of individuals with fuller and fuller flank-membranes, each modification being useful, each being propagated, until, by the accumulated effects of this process of natural selection, a perfect so-called flying squirrel was produced.

The most important point made evident by the observation of interference phenomena and subsequently verified directly by M. Blondlot, is that the electromagnetic perturbation is propagated with the speed of light, and this result condemns for ever all the hypotheses which fail to attribute any part to the intervening media in the propagation of an induction phenomenon.

Probably the stature would vary between different seedlings. If we are to get the effect of dwarfness, we must be sure that the stock is itself really dwarf. Therefore, to eliminate variation and also because seeds of natural dwarf apples may not be had in sufficient quantity, the stocks are propagated by layers rather than by seeds.

It is this; that this dreadful epidemic, or contagious fever call it which you will, has never appeared, or been propagated at or beyond an altitude of 3000 feet above the level of the sea, although people seized with it on the hot sultry plains, and removed thither, have unquestionably died.

This practice, which was adhered to through the whole of his life, occasioned in some persons a belief in a notion which generally prevailed, whether designedly or undesignedly propagated, that he was a man of divine extraction; and revived a report equally absurd and fabulous with that formerly spread respecting Alexander the Great, that he was begotten by a huge serpent, whose monstrous form was frequently observed in the bedchamber of his mother, but which, on any one's coming in, suddenly unfolding his coils, glided out of sight.

They are propagated from seed, by layers, or by grafting. ROSA ALBA. This is a supposed garden hybrid between R. canina and R. gallica . It has very glaucous foliage, and large flowers, which vary according to the variety from pure white to rose. Field Rose. This species bears white flowers that are produced in threes or fours, rarely solitary.

Here he had lost a little ground. Minos, seizing the advantage, pushed it. "You have said that a converted Jew has not a nice smell." "Yes. But I added that a Christian who becomes a Jew has a nasty one." Minos lost his eyes over the accusing documents. "You have affirmed and propagated things which are impossible. You have said that Elien had seen an elephant write sentences."

Had there been the very slightest foundation for the calumnies which had been propagated against her, we may be sure that such a person as Madame du Deffand would not only have heard them, but would have been but too willing to believe them. His denunciation of them is a proof that she knew their falsehood. Goncourt, p. 388, quoting La Quotidienne of October 17th, 18th.