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On some level people may know that these remedies are highly dangerous but they have been told by their attending oncologist that violent therapies are their only hope of survival, however poor that may be. If a cancer victim doesn't proceed immediately with such treatment their official prognosis becomes worse by the hour.

It's a very negative prognosis, I know. But the accumulated wisdom I have acquired over many years tells me that this is so." "I know one thing," said Lisa. "The people who live in the land where Dorothy comes from are much too intelligent to allow such foolishness to exist there." The other members of the little group turned to each other knowingly, and slowly shook their heads.

If so, after the treatment above prescribed, add that prescribed for the head directly, in nervous headache, with this difference, viz: instead of seating the patient on the N. P., or placing the same in his hands, pass it over the stomach and duodenum, unless the former may be already too positive. In that case, let the N. P. be at the seat. The prognosis is very uncertain.

The earlier psychiatrists were free to regard a patient in stupor as capable of recovery as well as deterioration. When Kahlbaum included stupor withCatatonia,” the situation was not changed, for he did not claim a hopeless prognosis for this group.

A curious phenomenon in this disease is that the patient can use the legs perfectly well lying in bed. The prognosis seems to be favorable. Meniere's disease is a disease probably of the semicircular canals, characterized by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, deafness, tinnitus aurium, and various other phenomena. It is also called aural or auditory vertigo.

When I came out of anesthesia he told me that the lump was malignant, and that he had removed it, and that he needed to do a radical mastectomy to improve my prognosis over the next few years. He asked me to think it over, but he signed me up on his surgery list for the following Monday.

More than likely, all that was wrong was that I was approaching 40; with the onset of middle age I would naturally have more aches and pains. 'Take some aspirin and get used to it, was his advice. 'It'll only get worse. Not satisfied with his dismal prognosis I asked an energetic old guy I knew named Paul, an '80-something homesteader who was renowned for his organic garden and his good health.

Paulus' prognosis was justified, for when he returned to Sirona with a fresh supply of water she was sitting upright; she rubbed her open eyes, stretched her limbs, clasped the greyhound in both arms, and burst into a violent flood of tears.

You have only to read Cullen's description of inflammation of the lungs or of the bowels, and compare it with such as you may find in Laennec or Watson, to see the immense gain which diagnosis and prognosis have derived from general anatomy.

Authorities are agreed that prognosis is entirely unfavorable in mature animals, when the case is viewed from an economic standpoint. Tarsal Sprains. Etiology and Occurrence. The hock joint is often subjected to great strain because of the structural nature of this part and its relation to the hip as well as the manner in which the tarsus functionates during locomotion.