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After half an hour's tinkering, he was obliged ruefully to acknowledge himself utterly baffled. They were indeed in an extremely awkward situation, stranded on a wild moor, probably sixty miles from home, and with the short winter's day closing rapidly in. "What are we to do?" gasped Lilias, half-crying. "We can't stay here all night!" "Finish our prog and sleep in the car," suggested Roland.

Stephen’s to hear him. I say near for among the other tyrannies of the land, he is compelled to shout loud enough to be heard in all the adjacent streets. Now this is too bad. Take our prog take even our poteen, if you will; but leave us our Penates; this theft, which embodies the antithesis of Shakspeare, is not onlytrash,” butnaught enriches them, and makes us poor indeed.”

"Ay, boys," cried Dick Barnes, "that 'ere's the question, as Hamlet remarked to his grandfather's ghost; wot is to come on us supposin' it comes on to blow sich a snorin' gale as'll blow the whole sandbank away, carryin' us and our prog overboard along with it?" "Wot's that there soup made of?" demanded Tim Rokens. "Salt junk and peas," replied Nikel Sling. "Ah!

We ought to be along with the British army by to-night; and what's husbands got to do with it? We are not going to share our prog with anybody else, and if it's husbands, how do we know they won't bring their wives? Bother! You will be telling me they are going to bring all their kids next." "Is that meant for a joke, Punch? Let's go a little farther first. Come along, step out."

Greetings being over, and Jorrocks having paid a visit to the larder, and made up a stock of provisions equal to a journey through the Wilderness, they adjourned to the yard to get the other dog, and the man to carry the game or rather, the prog, for the former was but problematical.

"If we had made him walk the plank, as I proposed, I'm blowed if it wouldn't have been much more to the purpose than putting him on this here island, with lots o' prog, and everything calkilated to make him and his domineering officers comfortable for the rest of their days." "Hold your tongue, you mutineering rascal," exclaimed the captain angrily.

"I knew she would," he added, digging Teddy's ribs with his elbow. "Aisy, man!" said his companion; "if you love me, say so, but don't hint it dat way." "Show forth, Kate!" proceeded her husband; "let us see the prog hillo! oh, holy Moses! what a pair o' beauties!"

I got your letter, and come over here straight to see that he's been tombed accordin' to his virtues; to lay out the dollars he left me on the people he had on his visitin' list; no loafers, no gophers, not one; but to them that stayed by him I stay, while prog and liquor last."

We soon had evidence of the bad disposition of our captors towards us, for Toby Trundle, who was very indignant at being thus caught, beginning to saunter along as if he had no intention of hurrying himself to please them, one of them threatened to give him a prog with his bayonet. As we were walking along as slowly as Trundle could contrive to go, the sound of a shot reached our ears.

During the early years after the formation of the club the members jested me on account of my predilection for weather forecasting, but the uniform accuracy of these guesses commanded their surprise and subsequently won their respect. Chilvers and others sometimes call me "Old Prog. Smith," and I am more proud of that pleasantry than of some others. There was not a breath of air stirring.