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"That's the way to take it, sir. Won't try again to-night, I suppose?" "Of course not, nor yet that way, Tom. We'll wait for morning now." Morning was a long time coming to the prisoners, but at last the bright light of day shed hope into all their hearts, and, forgetful of the sufferings of the night, Mark's eyes were strained as far as the cabin window would admit in search of their prize.

Mill was wont to quote this incident as proof of the value which Englishmen set upon plain speaking. They do prize it, and they prize the courage which defies their bullying. But then the remark was, after all, a generalization.

It was for love of Dorothy that he turned his back upon the Royal Court; and now, to win his bride, he was content, nay happy, to discard his own station in life, and take upon himself the lot of a common woodsman. Fortune was indeed leading him by strange paths, but he trusted she would lead him to the prize at last. Dorothy's lot, meanwhile, had not been a bright one.

It would ill-become me to say more than is absolutely necessary upon that subject; but, unfortunately he was careless and inattentive, and knew not how to prize the treasure that he possessed; and besides, as he never entertained, nor ever had any reason to entertain, a shadow of doubt respecting his wife, we were constantly left together. I scarcely need say, that the invitation was accepted.

"Fellow-citizens," responded Amy, "I can only say that this is the proudest moment of my young and blameless life. Thank you, one and all. Where's the flannel stocking that goes with this, Harry?" The bag couldn't be found, however, and Amy bore away his prize without it.

I'm not so sure that it isn't best." "And yet," she said slowly, "you are piqued piqued that another should have won where you failed even if the prize isn't just what you might wish." Langhorne assented by silence. "Hartley," she went on at length, "you said a moment ago you had tried to forget me " "But can't," he cut in with almost passionate fierceness.

Here he learned that the rich prize had been wrecked in the storm and the captain and half the crew drowned. But from the wreck of this great prize thirty-six thousand crowns' worth of jewels came ashore. For his share in this Smith put in his claim with the English ambassador at Bordeaux. The Captain was hospitably treated by the Frenchmen.

Just then, in the last light of a moon settling on the horizon, I spotted a face that wasn't Conseil's but which I recognized at once. "Ned!" I exclaimed. "In person, sir, and still after his prize!" the Canadian replied. "You were thrown overboard after the frigate's collision?" "Yes, professor, but I was luckier than you, and right away I was able to set foot on this floating islet." "Islet?"

He was dragged from his horse, and he and all his attendants made prisoners. In vain he protested, as indeed did every soldier, that such treachery was unwarrantable. The prize had been obtained. The interests of the public required that Oceola and his chiefs should remain prisoners. Fetters were placed on their limbs, and they were carried off as captives.

The strong men and the bowmen of the country round used to drop in there of an evening to wrestle a fall with John or to shoot a round with Aylward; but, though a silver shilling was to be the prize of the victory, it has never been reported that any man earned much money in that fashion. So they lived, these men, in their own lusty, cheery fashion rude and rough, but honest, kindly and true.