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Proceeding from a religious heart it will raise to a divine use the railroad, the insurance office, the joint-stock company; our law, our primary assemblies, our commerce, the galvanic battery, the electric jar, the prism, and the chemist's retort; in which we seek now only an economical use.

But, in addition, I have the universal periscope, the eye that sees all around, three hundred and sixty degrees a very clever application of an annular prism with objectives, condenser, and two eyepieces of low and high power."

She could not make out what she had written through her tears; little rainbows were quivering on the table, on the floor, on the ceiling, as though she were looking through a prism. She could not write, she sank back in her easy-chair and fell to thinking of Gorny. My God! how interesting, how fascinating men were!

I was just then in a room completely white; remembering the Newtonian theory, I expected, as I put the prism to my eye, to find the whole white wall coloured in different hues and to see the light reflected thence into the eye, split into as many coloured lights. 'But how astonished was I when the white wall seen through the prism remained white after as before.

Besides these, there was a prism and a magnet; also a magnifying-glass, wherein a flea was transformed to a frightful monster, and a multiplying lens, which showed them the same object eleven times repeated. Ils l'appellent le Capitaine du iour. Quand elle sonne, ils disent qu'elle parle, et demandent quand ils nous viennent veoir, combien de fois le Capitaine a desia parle.

"To think of poor Prunes and Prism being thrown with Tony to think of Tony as a sort of sister to Prunes and Prism. Well, this is a delicious lark. Hullo! is that you, Nan? Come along and speak to me at once, you pert puss. Why, do you know you've grown?" "Well, I don't suppose I've stood still for the last five years," replied Nan, who could be intensely pert when she pleased.

Here the refracting prism or the combination of prisms known as the "spectroscope" comes to its aid, teaching it to measure as well as to perceive. It furnishes, in a word, an accurate scale of colour.

Mrs General changed her gloves, as to the right glove being uppermost and the left undermost, with a Prunes and Prism smile. 'To preserve your approbation, Mrs General, said Fanny, returning the smile with one in which there was no trace of those ingredients, 'will of course be the highest object of my married life; to lose it, would of course be perfect wretchedness.

Breathless with gazing on this lovely wonder, and forgetful for an instant of everything save her presence, I withdrew my eye from the microscope eagerly, alas! As my gaze fell on the thin slide that lay beneath my instrument, the bright light from mirror and from prism sparkled on a colourless drop of water! There, in that tiny bead of dew, this beautiful being was forever imprisoned.

It increases rapidly toward the violet end when the spectrum is formed by a prism. Accordingly, in this case the dispersion given will be that of the point whose wave length is 400. This point lies near the middle of the photographic spectrum when a prism is used, and is not far from the H line.