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Burn came to meet with Pringle of Haining; but, alas! it is two nights since this poor young man, driving in from his own lake, where he had been fishing, an ill-broken horse ran away with him, and, at his own stable-door, overturned the vehicle and fractured poor Pringle's skull; he died yesterday morning.

"No," said the doctor, stretching his legs and puffing at his cigarette; "but when you speak of Laura, and tell me she is writing to Bannisdale, I find a comfort in Sir John Pringle." "It would be more to the purpose if Laura did!" exclaimed Mrs. Friedland. The doctor shook his head, and fell into a reverie. Presently he asked: "You think Mrs. Fountain is really worse?" "Laura is sure of it.

"No; but he knew of the place where I judge Foy is, this very yet. Gosh!" said Nueces River in deep disgust, "it beats hell what men will do for a little dirty money! Seems there's a cave near the top of the least of them two buttes the roughest one a cave with two mouths, one right on the big top. Nobody much knows where it is, only the V H outfit." Pringle had edged across the room.

They, however, had now charge of different ships in ordinary; and as they had all gone through a great deal of service, they did not expect to be again sent to sea. Old Mrs Pringle was still alive and well when True Blue had last heard from home, and to her house he and his shipmates were now bound.

"I do," scowled Gage, "and Pringle is our partner. We're going to work this claim with him, and you're trespassing." "Is that Pringle's own signature?" Tom insisted. "None of your business!" "You've given me that same kind of an answer before," Tom smiled. "As it happens, this is our business.

Harum-scarum, clodpole young lairds of the neighbourhood paid him the compliment of a visit. Young Hay of Romanes rode down to call, on his crop-eared pony; young Pringle of Drumanno came up on his bony grey.

The voice is the voice of Pringle, but how about the face? I can only see your back." "I would raise my head, so you could take a nice look by the well-known cold gray light of the justly celebrated dawn," rejoined Pringle, "if I wasn't reasonably sure that a rifle shot would promptly mar the classic outlines of my face. They're all around you, Foy. Hargis, he gave you away.

He first heard what his own would-be constituents had to say, and satisfied them as to his perfect independence of the great Whig families, and that he meant to keep his judgment unbiassed by party politics. "Then what about the extension o' the suffrage?" asked Sandy Pringle; "we want five-pound voters at Ladykirk."

"That box," she said, "was shipped to me from Flatbush, and was claimed in my name in the name of Genevieve Pringle at the freight depot at Newark, New Jersey, by this lady here. Deny it if you can!" "I do deny it, Miss Pringle," said Lady Agatha, accompanying her words with a winsome smile.

She put on her gymnasium bloomers and drove the hay wagon, and felt only a pleasurable thrill of excitement when John Pringle inadvertently pitched an indignant rattlesnake up to her with a forkful of hay. She killed the snake with her pitchfork and pinched off the rattles, proud of their size and number.