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It is not that those who go down the pike in automobiles intend to prevaricate, or even exaggerate, but the experience is so extraordinary that the truth is inadequate for expression and explanation.

Many editors, before entering into active service, take the entire series of courses offered by this hall, and are thus taught to prevaricate, abbreviate, and exaggerate, or do ought else to attain the end in view. I saw Mr. World and Miss Church-Member pass by one sub-department after another. They were not pleased with the excitement that prevailed.

"Thou hast a treacherous memory," answered Dudley; "but I will repeat it. It was concerning certain confessions about this Gardiner's wife." "What confessions?" said the lady. "Prevaricate not, nor think to blind me," he answered. "The facts are of public notoriety, and it will not profit to deny them."

It sounds weak, but that was the way one felt. "Don't prevaricate, Mamie, love," said Mrs. Portheris sternly. "I'm not I don't. But n-nothing of the kind is announced, is it?" I was growing nervous under the Senatorial eye. "Nothing of the kind exists," said poppa, the Doge all over, except his umbrella. "Does it?" "Why no," I said. "Dicky and I aren't engaged. But we have an understanding."

Lorry, rather relenting, nevertheless, "I am shocked at the sight of you." "Now, what I would humbly offer to you, sir," pursued Mr. Cruncher, "even if it wos so, which I don't say it is " "Don't prevaricate," said Mr. Lorry. "No, I will not, sir," returned Mr.

To whiffle = to hesitate; waver; prevaricate. cf. p. 279 Bulkers. Whores. cf. Shadwell, Amorous Widow , Act iii: 'Her mother sells fish and she is little better than a bulker. A bulker was the lowest class of prostitute. cf.

Well, he looked killin', I should prevaricate, with his sister's muslin dress on, starched as stiff as a shirt, and her reception hat with a white feather as big as a Newfoundland dog's tail. Pa said he had got to go down town to see some of the old soldiers of his regiment, and I loafed along behind. My chum met Pa on the corner and asked him where the Lake Shore Park was.

"Who has loosened this bandage?" said the doctor. The patient tried to prevaricate, but Glory told the truth again, and was reproved once more. "And who permitted this woman to come into the ward?" said the nurse. "I did," said Glory. "You're not fit to be a nurse, miss, and I shall certainly report you as unfit for duty." Glory laughed in the Sister's face.

To desire to break His commandments is to offend Him as effectually as to break them in deed; to relish in one's mind forbidden fruits, to meditate and deliberate on evil purposes, is only a degree removed from actual commission of wrong. Evil is perpetrated in the will, either by a longing to prevaricate or by affection for that which is prohibited.

"It was a Yankee invented that tale about your not being able to prevaricate, wasn't it, George?" asked Diogenes. Washington smiled acquiescence, and Doctor Johnson returned to Shakespeare. "I'd rather have a morning-glory vine than one of Shakespeare's autographs," said he. "They are far prettier, and quite as legible." "Mortals wouldn't," said Bonaparte. "What fools they be!" chuckled Johnson.